His perspective differed from mine. Years in the court system darkened his outlook on life. Viewing world events through this lens left him of the opinion “the dark side always wins.” He mocked my hope, labeling me as an “idealist” for my belief in a Light that defeats darkness.
We both sat in the same courthouse hallway waiting for the judge’s summons to hear our respective cases. As a Court Appointed Special Advocate, (CASA) my testimony served as a crucial piece for the termination of parental rights for the child whose advocacy I pursued the past 3 years. Tasked with the defense of the biological father of another case, my attorney friend’s jaded perspective tinged his outlook on both cases.
is there light in the darkness?
Admittedly, a glance at the headlines begs the question, “Is there light in the darkness?” Day after day more tragedy, more brokenness greets us; sadly for some the darkness hits closer to home than the headlines.
I understand my attorney friend’s perspective. Broken lives, heartache and indifference sullenly lounged in the same hallways occupied by attorneys, CASAs, and case workers. But in those same dim hallways a Light radiated Hope within the scoffing darkness.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 1:5
John writes in his gospel message of the Light shining in the darkness: Jesus, the Light that defeats darkness. In Jesus abides eternal life; which is the Light of all mankind. (John 1:4) A Light which shines unrestrained from the very midst of darkness itself.
a light pursued in darkness
Thanks to my good friend, Lisa Burgess, and her Touch the Light challenge in 1 John this fall, my focus on pursuing God’s light in others keenly surfaces with eager enthusiasm almost daily.
An RN colleague of mine signs all of his emails with an exhortation for the readers to shine a light into the darkness around them, because even a tiny beam of light dispells the most profound darkness.
Though reading his sign off many times, one day it arrested my attention and John 1:5 commanded center stage in my mind. Thus began a wrestling match between Light and darkness within my finite understanding.
a light which darkness cannot apprehend
Many versions use the word “overcome” for the King James “comprehend”. In actuality both words are correct, but insufficient alone. Overcome implies defeat, while comprehend implies embracing, apprehending as one’s own.
The Greek word John chose when writing his Gospel is actually a hybrid combining kata and lambano. Kata implies an overpowering, or defeat; while lambano implies a forceful grasping, apprehending to make one’s own.
Together the nuanced word, katalambano reveals a Light that defeats darkness in a most extraordinary way. Christ, the Light John speaks of in John 1:5, not only defeats darkness, He ensures the dark forces of sin and evil are powerless to ever apprehend Him and therefore His own.
light bringing fullness of joy
Preparing my heart for the fall challenge in 1 John, the Lord pulled me into 1 John 1:4-5:
And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
The knowledge of God as Light, with no presence of darkness; no sin, no evil, results in fullness of joy for us according to the Apostle John. Sitting with John 1:5 and 1 John 1:4-5, overwhelmed my heart with Hope.
My job presents me with the darkness of death and incurable illness every day, my volunteer work as a CASA presents me with the dark side of broken lives, life’s hard places mock me with evil’s dark cloak and even my own wicked heart eclipses the light of hope.
Yet, God is light and in Him is no darkness at all; in fact the darkness of death, illness, sin, brokenness and suffering holds no power over Him. As His beloved child, the forces and weapons of evil find only defeat in my life, and they stand powerless in every attempt at apprehending me as their own.
a light bringing hope in darkness
As John 1:1-5 reminded me, Jesus, the Light stepped into a world darkened by sin, brokenness and evil; in Him was life, and that life was the Light of all mankind. Jesus brought Hope as a Light that defeats darkness.
The Light stepping upon the earth He created, shines light unto those sitting in darkness and the shadow of death (Luke 1:79) guiding them into His peace. No sin, illness, brokenness or evil demon possession stood against Jesus then, nor stands today.
Hope shined God’s Light in the dim courthouse hallways, it shines in my dark moments, and in my moments defeated by sin, its brilliance bathes my despairing heart as it holds my prodigal children. For God is light, and though darkness boasts victory, it holds none.
A light that defeats darkness
One glance around assails us with deep human suffering, brokenness, hatred, natural disaster, escalating illness, sin, selfishness and every evil imaginable. And for some of us, those things live in our homes, in our lives, in our families.
Like my attorney friend, at times closing my eyes, my broken heart considers maybe “the dark side always wins after all.” But then rays of Light shine forth through the same heart fractures with the truth that God commanded the Light shine forth in the darkness illuminating my heart with the Light of His glory in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)
The Light that defeats darkness shines forth all around me; from the midst of the deepest dark place, His Light abides vibrant, strong and unrestrained. In fact, like the stars, the Light shines most brilliant buried in the deepest, darkest night. Can you see it?
Lynn says
Full of hope, this post is! Thank you. When doing church at a women’s emergency shelter, the ladies always wanted to sing “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine….” Even though their situations were hard, they still believed in His light shining through them–none of life’s hard can stop God’s light from shining.
Donna says
Thank you, Lynn, it was my intention to speak hope into the darkness through this post. I can only imagine the horrors those dear ladies endured, yet they, too, wanted to sing of the Light that defeats darkness, AMEN!
Aritha says
Thank you so much for sharing this story and especially for: 1 John 1:4-5 :
God bless you.
Donna says
Thank you Aritha for stopping by to read my post and for your kind words!
Paula Short says
My friend, you really are a light. I love your writings as you do reflect the light of and glorify God within. Blessings.
~Selah ~
Donna says
Paula, I am humbled by your kind words, may God be praised for his words are my words, I rejoice in the blessing they bring you!
Lisa notes says
You are such a bright light, Donna! I’m always both encouraged and fed when I read your words. I also feel seen, not talked down to. Thank you for acknowledging the hard things but still bringing light and hope into them.
I love this: “Hope shined God’s Light in the dim courthouse hallways, it shines in my dark moments, and in my moments defeated by sin, its brilliance bathes my despairing heart as it holds my prodigal children. For God is light, and though darkness boasts victory, it holds none.”
Donna says
Lisa, I am humbled by your kind words of encouragement, I pray I may be a channel of God’s love & truth to others! I rejoice beyond measure that you feel “seen”; for my heart’s desire is that others would feel seen when they read my words, praise God! I’m so pleased I was able to convey the truth about darkness and hard places, but also the Hope we have in the Light.
Susan M Shipe says
We must focus on what is true – we are surrounded with contrary thoughts and attitudes.
Donna says
Susan so grateful having you stop by to read my post! I couldn’t agree more, so much mis-information and negative attitudes circulating, we must choose to focus on the Word of Truth!
Anita Ojeda says
Amen! Only God’s light can give us hope and help us see a way through the darkness. Thank you for this timely reminder that Jesus longs to bear light for us.
Donna says
I so appreciate your kind comments, Anita! In these troublous times we do need Jesus as the Light so much the more!
Jan says
You are so right to remind us just how much impact even the smallest flicker of Light has in darkness. Thank you!
Donna says
Thank you, Jan for stopping by to read my post! In these days of turmoil I find focusing on the Light of truth keeps anxiety at bay!
Linda Stoll says
More than ever I am leaning into that Light of the World, Jesus. May these difficult seasons do nothing but point us straight to Him …
Donna says
Linda you are so right! We must lean hard into the Light and continue looking to Him as the days grow darker.
Suzette Katopodes says
Donna, how difficult it must be to do the important work you’ve stepped into. Thank you for doing it and for sharing your perspective in this post.
Donna says
Thank you, Suzette for your kind words and taking the time to read my post! Hospice work is indeed difficult, but also rewarding walking the hard paths with others.
Lisa Blair says
It’s so important to keep our hearts from being overtaken by the darkness and to stand bathed in His Light – even if all we have is the inner Light, we wait expectantly for the Light to manifest itself externally. But even if it doesn’t manifest externally, we can trust Him and be comforted in the warmth of His Light of Love.
Donna says
Lisa you are so right! Sometimes we literally have to fight to keep from being overtaken by darkness. We know the Light will come, but at times, the wait seems ever so long…
Joanne Viola says
Such an encouraging post, Donna. This brings so much hope >>> “Christ, the Light John speaks of in John 1:5, not only defeats darkness, He ensures the dark forces of sin and evil are powerless to ever apprehend Him and therefore His own.”
Donna says
Joanne, thank you so much for stopping by today! I praise God His words have encouraged you today! We need His Light more than ever in the times we are living in!!
Michele Morin says
This is SO good, and since I am also looking at 1 John with Lisa, it’s such helpful context. Apparently John was addressing some of the same issues of false teaching as we are today in the church. We must stay in the light!
Donna says
Thank you, Michele, I am looking forward to learning all we can about walking in the Light as He is in the Light!