God spoke light into existence, as the Spirit moved over a darkened orb in the genesis of all things. In the fullness of time, God spoke the same words, “Let there be Light”, and Light burst forth from mortal womb into glorious day amid stable stench. A Light no darkness would ever quench lay swaddled in a lowly manger bed….
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Let there Be Light
Miracle Walk
My daily walk provides me with not only exercise but a way to clear my head, think through decisions and even compose poetry. Traveling the same route every day also allows my hypervigilance a bit of a rest. During my recent walks I have been more mindful of my own walking with Jesus as I learn a walk of deeper…
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A Walk to Remember
Do you ever struggle with doubt or overthinking a decision? At times doubt and uncertainty cripples any forward progress leaving us paralyzed. Much of my own doubting and overthinking is a trauma response, sourced in the fear that I will make a mistake. Constantly second guessing even small decisions, I struggle trusting God’s leading and sit on the sidelines of…
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A Table in the Wilderness
Far from moving in a straight line, faith’s journey climbs mountains, descends into valleys, and at times even reverses course. Which is why we find ourselves traversing a spiritual wilderness more often than we desire. Still, God is able to set a table in the wilderness. Beset with challenges, our faith wavers when we feel imprisoned by our circumstances and…
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A Feast for a Hungry Soul
I’m hungry. Or rather I feel the gnawing of my hungry soul. As shocking as it was, escaping the truth of the statement was not an option. My starving soul longed for refreshment, yet I continued to feed on the things which left it hungry. Our souls long for acceptance, unconditional love, and true belonging. But where do we pursue…
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God is With You Even There
Whatever came to your mind as you read the title to this post, the answer is Yes, God is with you even there. Some paths feel so lonely I wonder if God is still with me, some paths seem endlessly complex and pointless, while still others bare the sting of shame knowing they were taken in rebellion. Though God promises…
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Come Magnify the Lord with Me
Creation, through the seasons puts God’s beauty on display each in its own way, and autumn stakes a valid claim as one of the most stunning. Inviting us to come, magnify the Lord in the seasons of our own lives, what can we learn from autumn’s vibrant voice of praise? “Remember that thou magnify his work, which men behold. Every…
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The Final Hours
As autumn ushers another year nearer its final hours, I marvel at the seasonal similarities to our own life cycle. Perhaps God intended the seasons would speak a timeless truth to us year after year. Though the calendar year claims a January first birth, the astronomical calendar gives a more accurate representation of the life cycle of a year. Born…
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September Space
Something about the September space between the end of August and the autumnal equinox of September 20th, speaks of slowing down. This liminal space begs us to take a few moments and look about us, taking stock of our surroundings. An invitation to new sight of sorts. For many, as soon as the calendar flips to September, they rush into…
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