Embarking on another season of Lent reminds me of God’s invitation to a slower pace; even a time of rest. Yet, as at other times when the music of my life stops, a certain restlessness moves in. As if the rest somehow is misplaced. Invitations to rest from the daily routines surface much like musical rests, full of purpose, but…
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When the Music Stops
When Love Takes You by Surprise
Yes, it’s that day. Valentine’s Day. Not my favorite day for many reasons, but it does force a few thoughts on loving well. At times, love takes you by surprise, but for the most part love’s most powerful expressions come in the daily experiences of life. Speaking His unfailing love into my heart for the past year in unique ways,…
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Finding Joy in a Hedge of Trials
Do you ever grow weary with people trying to cheer you up as you walk a crippling path of grief? A rather pointed question, I mused quietly, listening to a woman share her frustration with “well-meaning” friends. No matter the source of your grief, when you walk a hard path, finding joy in a hedge of trials, seems much like…
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3 Things God Will Not Do for You in Suffering
Though part of the Christian walk, suffering is one facet we avoid cultivating as we do other spiritual disciplines. Partly because suffering for the Christian comes designed or permitted by God. Even in the self-inflicted suffering relative to the consequences of sinful choices, both our own and others, God remains sovereign over our suffering. Yet there remains 3 things God…
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Where is the Comfort in Suffering?
Oddly, on the morning of January 11th, the eighth anniversary of both the birth and death of my first-born granddaughter Indigo Evangeline, Isaiah 40:1 sat open in the bible on my lap. One cannot ponder “comfort” without pondering “discomfort”. Even some eight years later, my mind still poses the question, “where is the comfort in suffering?” When seeking comfort in…
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Stepping Confidently into a New Year
Gazing at the rushing river one hundred feet below through the shaky wooden slats offered no solace to my fear-filled heart. The taunting and deliberate swaying of the primitive rope bridge by my best friend’s brother further stole my limited courage. Oddly, the image from over fifty years ago flashed in my mind as my eyes rested on the first…
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Overcoming Insecurities with God
Having assumed insecurities belonged to the younger version of me, imagine my surprise when I discovered the root cause of recent anxiety rested in a few stubborn insecurities. But an even bigger surprise awaited, when in answer to prayer, God invited me into the safe place of overcoming insecurities with Him. At times, becoming fully known by others involves a…
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Thankful for Hope
November often beckons our hearts into a posture of gratitude as we move towards the end of another year, culminating in the celebration meal of Thanksgiving. As time drew near for another update on my 2023 One Word Hope, adding ways my heart feels thankful for Hope seemed the perfect update. My dear friend and fearless leader of our One…
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Authenticity in Becoming Christ’s Beloved
Watching the stunning display of fall foliage reminds me the season of Autumn speaks about becoming. The art of slowly changing, and within the change emerges a kind of truth unseen previously. We experience a similar authenticity in becoming Christ’s beloved within our spiritual journey. Though at times our own blossoming of authenticity feels painful, the colors of Autumn remind…
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