Choosing a word companion each new year provides a singular focus within the events of that year. God revealed my 2022 word a few months ago. Despite my efforts at finding an escape clause, it appears braving the new year with resilience beckons me forward.
At times my words completely baffle me, like my 2020 word, “Freedom”.
In the middle of a global pandemic shutdown?
Other times they challenge me, like my tiny 2021 One Word friend, “Joy”. By the way, for 2021 I invited my readers along for the ride; you can read the full journey and amazing lessons my diminutive Friend taught me HERE.
But this time, my One Word 2022 Friend, Resilience feels just right.
me brave?
“The process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress,” gives a basic definition of the word “resilience” according to the American Psychological Society.
Everyone has their own hardships, challenges and suffering; so braving the new year with resilience looks different for everyone.
How you respond to adversity determines your level of resiliency.
Resilience, long misunderstood as “keeping a stiff upper lip” or “toughing it out” has little relation to stoicism. It does, however, reflect the level of bravery which faces adversity with an inner strength not wholly your own.
“If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.”
Proverbs 24:10
joy introduced me to resilience
Spending a year with Joy truly transformed my life in many ways; but none more than revealing resilience’s presence.
Omnitemporal, God exists outside of time, and as such His ways perplex us. A simple review of previous One Word selections often unveils His wisdom in timing the choice of those words.
Joy collected over time, fuels resilience-ensuring we’ll have resevoirs of emotional strength when hard things do happen.
Brene Brown
As I neared the end of my 2021 journey with Joy, resilience surfaced boldy as God began opening my eyes to this new lesson.
Joy was not something to choose or pursue; Joy, firmly rooted in my union with Christ, personified God’s Presence with and within me.
How better to face suffering and adversity? Firmly embraced within an intimate, eternal relationship with Christ? The outflowing of Joy becomes resilience.
stepping into an identity rooted in resilience
Interestingly, the idea of resilience met me in the form of a rebuke.
Why the continual setbacks? Why the silence, God? It’s been more than three weeks under fire.
Thumbing through my Bible for the next assigned memory verse, I arrive at my destination: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
Instead of a warm hug and promise of better days, God spoke resilience into my whining session.
Sitting with the passage in 1 Corinthians I hazarded a glance at the next passage for memory work: Joshua 1:8-9, ouch.
resilience: my spiritual identity
Stop playing the spiritual victim. Has a full year with joy taught you nothing?
Indeed. Of the many lessons learned at the hand of JOY, grasping its authenticity through my identity in and relationship to Christ, was transforming.
Yet, when faced with an extended season of adversity, I fainted, lost faith and sat down in defeat.
Slowly, in the following weeks, God began reinforcing my spiritual identity while weaving the threads of resilience into my thoughts and understanding.
In 2022, God desires I step more fully into my spiritual identity, showing forth His glorious power through the resilience embedded there.
braving the new year with resilience
In some ways my 2022 One Word assignment feels heavy, almost arduous. Except resilience speaks not to pulling myself up by my own bootstraps, but owning my position in Christ.
Where JOY pulled me deeper into intimacy with Christ, resilience flows from that place of intimacy and trust, filtering every adversity through God’s good plan.
Braving the new year with resilience, promises many lessons ahead; I have but begun with a bold first step.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:8-9
Corinne Rodrigues says
Resilience is such a great word for these trying times. Thanks for the inspiration you always are, Donna.
Donna says
Corinne, thank you for reading and for your kind words! Resilience kind of shocked me at first, but I am slowly following along to see what God has for me!
Horace Williams Jr says
Donna. I was bragging to my mother about you and your servant’s heart and what an encouragement you are to me. I so enjoy reading what God has put on your mind to share. It is fascinating to read how your words of the year have migrated. Joy and resilience. Who knew? May God continue to shower you with His unmatched love and amazing grace as you live with resilience in 2022.
Donna says
Horace, you are too kind! Please don’t brag about me! I rejoice to share words of encouragement with you, dear brother for the same reason, you bless me by your writing and support of my work!
I am still grasping God’s amazing wisdom in leading me through a year concentrated on learning more about JOY, and then stepping into resilience boot camp! Truly the Christian life is one of wonder and blessing!
Cindy Davis says
I love that joy led you to resilience. I do think that God uses one year to prepare us for the next. My word for 2019 was intentional which led to my 2020 word-hope. If there was ever a year when we needed hope it was 2020. Thanks for sharing.
Donna says
Cindy! Thank you for taking the time to read my post! It is fascinating how God leads us each year, your words for 2019 and 2020 illustrate that! What are your words for 2021 and 2022?
PaulaShort says
I love how joy lead you to resilience. Selah led me to
Intentional too. This is really beautiful my friend. Blessings. Xo
Donna says
Paula, I did not realize how you moved from Selah to intenional! But I think I can also see that connection. Isn’t God amazing in the way He leads us?
Heather Gerwing says
I can’t wait to see where your resilience takes you in 2022!
Donna says
Thank you Heather for reading! I am looking forward to all God has for me with resilience, but admit a little apprehension in what that may look like!
Donna B Reidland says
Resilience – what a great word on which to meditate. Only in Christ. He gives us the strength and the will and the power to keep going and do what pleases Him in the midst of it all! He is so faithful, isn’t He!
Donna says
Thank you, Donna, for stopping by! Yes, there is much to meditate on with resilience; and I am looking forward to learning all God has for me this year with resilience! I praise God He doesn’t expect me to develop this on my own, but supplies it through His strength. Amen, He IS faithful!
Lisa Blair says
It sounds like a year of strengthening, Donna. I appreciate you articulating your beginning processes, “The process of adapting well… Except resilience speaks not to pulling myself up by my own bootstraps but owning my position in Christ.” I pray for supernatural grace, wisdom, and strength so that every “stress” seems to dissipate in its power and becomes a grace-filled journey with Him.
Donna says
Lisa, I agree, I believe God is doing a strengthening work in my life in many ways and I am looking forward to embracing all He has for me in 2022. I truly appreciate your kind blessing for me in the coming year. Eagerly anticipating traveling together dear friend!
Lois Flowers says
Donna, I think “resilience” is a wonderful word, and I can totally see how joy prepared you for it. I will be looking forward to seeing how this works out practically in your life over the next year. (Also understand about God’s irony in giving us our words … my word for 2020 was “full.” 😊)
Donna says
Lois, while I was resistant at first with my word, I am slowly coming around to some important lessons on resilience! I am likewise looking forward to seeing all God has for me with this amazing word. Yes, I think God’s sense of humor does shine through our words sometimes!!
Lynn says
God knows! He knows our path, what our future holds, and listening to His lead to where He wants us to focus is obedience that pleases Him. May His purpose for You keep flourishing through your dedication in learning all that Resilience has to teach you to this year.
Donna says
Lynn, praise God He does indeed know our path and what the future holds! Thank you for your kind blessing upon my One Word journey in 2022! I am looking forward to traveling together and hearing all about his amazing work in your life through your word!
Joanne Viola says
It is always interesting to me how God leads each of us to our word. This >> “In 2022, God desires I step more fully into my spiritual identity, showing forth His glorious power through the resilience embedded there.” I so appreciated those words. any resilience we have is because He resides in us. May we rely on Him increasingly in the days ahead.
Donna says
Joanne, I am always amazed the way God leads me and others to their words. That’s what I love about the One Word Community, we benefit from hearing others’ stories and all they are learning along the way!
Trudy says
I love your word, Donna, also how joy led you into it. Your explanation of resilience here is so meaningful. It especially grabs my attention that “resilience speaks not to pulling myself up by my own bootstraps, but owning my position in Christ.” Being solidly grounded in our identity in Christ helps so much, doesn’t it? Love and blessings to you!
Donna says
Trudy, thank you for your kind words. I initially shied away from my word, but each day the Lord encourages me to walk with Him into resilience! Seeing the connection between resilience and my identity in Christ changed everything for me! Blessings to you my friend!
Lisa notes says
I just love that joy led you to resilience because it’s not a progression we’d make from our human thinking but only by God’s hand. Such a beautiful intention for the year!–> “In 2022, God desires I step more fully into my spiritual identity, showing forth His glorious power through the resilience embedded there.”
Donna says
Indeed, dear friend, the revelation that JOY led me to resilience was unique and showed a level of growth I had not perceived before. All glory be to God!
Linda Stoll says
if there’ll be anything resilient about me or this coming year, i know without a doubt that it’ll only be by His grace and strength.
and that’s where He wants us to be, leaning hard into who He is.
bless you, friend.
Donna says
Absolutely Linda, resilience is sourced in Him, may we all lean into Him more this year!
lauren Sparks says
Love this for a focus word!
Donna says
Thank you, Lauren! I can’t wait to see where God leads this year!
Lesley says
I always love reading about people’s words for the year and how God has led them to a particular word. I can see how resilience can follow on well from joy. I think knowing God’s love and finding joy in him gives us strength to face the challenges that come. I look forward to reading more about how the word plays out for you this year.
Donna says
Lesley, I truly enjoy reading about how others choose their words of the year too! I also delight in walking with them to see what God reveals! God still speaks to me about JOY, and I can definitely see for me, it was the first step I needed to become more spiritually resilient!