With the arrival of the vernal equinox, we plunge excitedly into a new season. Social media boasts an abundance of newly sprouted spring flowers, and eagerly budding trees and shrubs. Shyly, spring enters our world each year as the earth gently births that which was delicately hidden from our sight. This majestic of seasons commences from the humble cover of winter’s respite, unhurriedly, blessing us with the breathtaking beauty of new life. From the posture of anticipation I delight in finding the serenity of spring.
Spring bestows the gift of one of the most exquisite portraits of rebirth we enjoy beholding. All of nature consumed with activity beguiles the senses. Each season exudes its own fragrance, and spring is no exception. Fresh dug earth, newly emerged flora surrender the scent of new beginnings. Contrasting the placidity and reposeful stillness of winter, spring speaks activity.
The serenity of spring
Spring yawns sleepily
beckoned, awakened,
Darkness yields to Light,
Chill softens into warmth.
That which yielded to death
breathes, enlivened,
Caressed by the Son,
Finding delight in Him.
Trees tentative, bud
welcomed, desired,
Gentle rain, nurturing,
Green peeks through earth, shy.
New growth wrought by His hand,
promising, heralding,
Birds, His praises sing,
Rebirth speaking New Life.
Creation smiles hope,
renewal, revival;
Spring’s Serenity
His promise; all things new.
delight in finding the serenity of spring
For many, the first signs of spring ignite activity, shaking off the quiet solitude of winter, they eagerly embrace the outdoors. Reflecting, spring speaks of rebirth, of becoming; a slow awakening from the long winter slumber of preparation. Nature remains unhurried, offering the delights of slow unfolding. Gifting us with plants bravely peeking through once frozen soil, buds holding the promise of beauty yet unseen and wildlife’s replenishing the earth.
Unruffled, spring becomes at its own pace, the quality of the serene, it reminds us promises are for keeping. The delight in finding the serenity of spring lies in the promise of the Creator; He makes all things new (Revelation 21:1-8). His promise is sure, we not only have His Word, but we behold the promise illustrated in the rebirth of spring each year. Behold the secret of the serene in each bud, or new sprout, as they promise the “becoming” of new life. Rejoice in the elegance with which spring reveals its beauty, though but a shadow of a greater magnificence yet future.
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Lois Flowers says
“The delights of slow unfolding” expresses it so well, Donna. I love strolling around outside in the spring, taking note each time of the different perennials I see poking their little heads up through the dead leaves and mulch. Lovely post, my friend. And a very happy Easter to you!
Donna says
Lois, Dear Friend, thank you for taking the time to read my post! I delight in walking through our property seeing all of the new growth each day too! Isn’t it splendid? Beautiful Easter blessings to you and your family!
Jeanne Takenaka says
Donna, these are lyrical thoughts about spring. And your poem is beautiful! I love every season, but there’s definitely something that comes alive in me as trees begin to bud and flowers poke above the earth.
Donna says
Jeanne, your kind words bless and encourage me! I agree with you, though my favorite season is Autumn, the Lord has been revealing Himself through the seasons to me, and spring breathes new life into me too!
Debra Jean says
Lovely poem! I loved the line, “ Creation smiles hope” Yes spring is about new birth. I am just finishing up a post on Spring too. What a great topic.
Donna says
Thank you, Debra! What a blessing to hear you enjoyed my post! Yes spring is full of beauty to write about!
Tea With Jennifer says
It’s Autumn here in Australia Donna but we have some beautiful autumn shrubs that bloom at this time the Alstonville is one. It has large purple flowers that bloom all over its shrub or the larger trees (if its old). Absolutely spectacular!
Lovely poem too!
Bless you,
Donna says
Wow, Jennifer, I forgot that your season are not the same as ours! The Alstonville sounds delightful, I love purple! I’m so blessed you enjoyed my poem!
Joanne Viola says
You are a poet! I love it! Just the other day as I was looking up at the trees, I noticed little buds. They filled my heart with such hope – hope of a new season, hope of new growth, hope of change. It is so beautiful to see God in nature – the God of ALL hope!
Donna says
Thank you, Joanne, I’m still a bit tentative about my poetry, your words bless me! I believe the best word for spring is HOPE!
Paula Short says
Donna, thank you for sharing your lovely poem. Oh how I love spring. Thank you for your blessed words and encouragement. Blessings.
Donna says
Paula, thank you, blessings upon you this spring as you enjoy all the Lord has for you in this favorite of seasons!
Laurie says
I didn’t know you were such a talented poet, Donna! I love this. I love spring. It is almost like our reward for making it through another harsh winter! 🙂 So many signs of Jesus’s resurrection and our rebirth in the springtime.
Donna says
Thank you, Laurie for your kind words! It’s a beautiful way to view spring through the illustration of Christ’s resurrection and our rebirth! Not a bad thought about a reward either!!!
Bev Rihtarchik says
What a beautiful poem! I’ve always loved Spring — perhaps it’s because I have an April birthday?! There is such potential in each and every bud just waiting to pop open. Behold, He is making all things new (including me and my attitude). I appreciated your uplifting post today!
Bev xx
Donna says
Bev, thank you for taking the time to read my post! Perhaps you DO love spring because you are a spring baby! Spring holds so much for us to enjoy and glimpse about God!