Easing the shock of yet another month all but concluded, I rejoice in a glance back at my February Footprints joining Heather Gerwing as she hosts a monthly feature called, Share Four Somethings, where writers share the fourth Saturday of each month something in each of four categories from the previous month.
January 2022 brought new categories for contemplation, and I truly enjoy the new categories. The four categories remain the same, something loved, something gleaned, something braved, and something achieved.
The premise delights me; the new categories falling right in line with my one word 2022 journey with resilience! Looking back over the previous month through these four categories helps me linger with God’s goodness, and ignites my gratitude.
something loved
My February Footprints, Share Four Somethings starts with an enjoyable way to celebrate Love on Valentine’s Day! A local venue called The Starn Barn hosts several fundraising events each year which profit special needs children.
One event is a Valentine’s dinner and swing dance. LeFleur, a Manhatten jazz band provides live music in the vein of the forties big band era. A gorgeously catered meal and hors d’ oeuvres make for a fabulous evening of food and dancing.
The Star Barn owned by a local man and his wife is actually a historical preservation of the old 1800’s barns and outbuildings. The owner has relocated these old barns and buildings from around Pennsylvania and faithfully restored them exactly as they were. The craftsmanship is beyond stunning in each of the beautiful buildings.
Adding various buildings, he created a small picturesque village used for weddings and many other events. All proceeds fund his established charity for special needs children.
My feet still remind me swing dancing in 4 inch heels may not be the best idea for my 62 year old feet, but my husband and I had the best time. Celebrating Love for each other in a beautiful venue created to share God’s love with others, what’s not to love?
something gleaned
My something gleaned truly made footprints on my heart and soul this month. Gifted a book of poetry by Morgan Harper Nichols, autistic poet, artist, musician and writer, I began following Morgan on Instagram.
Her poetry spoke to my heart in profound ways and her vulnerability on social media captivated me. She speaks of feeling disconnected at times due to her autism, yet few connect with another’s pain as she does.
Her new book, Peace is a Practice, invites you into peace by creating a new rhythm for life which embraces life as it is, not as you wish it to be. In the chapter on “Shadow and Light” , she commences from a quote she coined some time ago, “Keep looking where the light pours in”.
We often equate light with hope; we are drawn to the cheerfulness of bright colors, sunny days and star filled skies. Yet life also includes shadows. At times we resent the shadows because they hide the light.
But the artist in Morgan noticed much of the beauty in paintings and nature alike comes from the very shadows we repel. The shadows speak of depth, reminding us there is more to see.
Morgan encourages her readers to practice peace by learning to see value in it all. When we think of peace, we want to avoid the shadows, but the shadows bring value to whole of life. How this impacted my parched soul.
Instead of struggling against the shadows, the unknowns, the things beyond my understanding, what if I breathed deep and embraced my life as it is? Fully holding it, even if it doesn’t look like I hoped or planned.
As Morgan says, “you don’t have to get rid of the darkness to see where the stars shine through.”
something braved
A new category starting in January 2022, something braved gives opportunty for reflecting on the hard places we often walk. For me this month, something braved held a two-edged sword.
On the one hand, the sad experience of supporting a friend who lost her brother after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Praise God heaven holds another dear soul rejoicing in the presence of Jesus. But here on earth, another soul grieves the loss of one beloved.
While on the other hand, the painful realization I failed to pray as often for my friend and her brother as I promised. Of course I perceive many ways of praying for someone, outside of formalized prayer. But when the message came of this man’s death, the pain of falling short pierced my heart.
Though unpleasant at the time, bravely owning sin, failure or poor habits brings the profitable fruit of repentant change. The situation helped me re-evaluate priorities and busyness while establishing a better method for intercessory prayer.
something achieved
Rounding out my February Footprints: Share Four Somethings is another new category, dedicated to things achieved. For goal setting geeks, this category offers an opportunity to shine. But even if goal setting makes you squeamish, right here is the place for celebrating even baby steps towards getting things done.
February marks the third completed month in a row with an editorial calendar! Resisting the idea of an editorial calendar for over two years; the addition of my position as a regular contributor to Woman to Woman Ministries every Thursday, demanded more organization.
Skeptical at first, by the close of February, the thought of maintaining two posts per week on my blog, a post for Woman to Woman, a weekly newsletter and regular guest posting, without an editorial calendar sends me into instant overwhelm.
Now I wonder how I ever kept up without one!
february footprints: share four somethings
Thank you for taking a walk back through my February Footprints with me! I am grateful to Heather for creating such a creative way to review the moments of our days which often slip by so quickly. Sharing Four Somethings is a way to savor one more time those things we loved, gleaned, braved and achieved!
But you don’t have to be a writer or blogger to enjoy this practice. Why not take a few moments and think back over YOUR February Footprints and share four somethings with me in the comments! Meet me back here at the end of March for more joyful somethings!
Heather Gerwing says
Way to go with the editorial calendar – I need to implement one myself!
Donna says
Big accomplishment for me Heather! The biggest benefit so far is it cuts back on my anxiety about what to write. I still need to solidify things, but even having a little direction helps me stay better focused and calm!
Lesley Crawford says
The Valentine’s Dinner sounds lovely. I’m glad you had a good time. And I should probably consider an editorial calendar too. I’m still in a process of adjusting back to a more “normal” schedule in many areas of life but I think I will need to plan ahead a bit more. There are some other submission opportunities I’d like to try, but finding the time is a challenge!
I’m sorry for the loss of your friend’s brother.
Donna says
Lesley, how kind of you to read my post and comment! Valentine’s Day was lovely and fun! The editorial calendar definitely helps me stay more organized and plan time for extra submissions, but also relieves my anxiety about what to write, because I have already planned it one month ahead!
Yvonne Chase says
Hello Donna,
Sounds like you had a wonderful and fun Valentine’s Day. I have thought about using an editorial calendar yet it remains a thought. One day it will become a reality thanks to your recommendation. Wishing you a magnificent March.
Donna says
Thank you Yvonne for your kind words! I find using an editorial calendar (albeit primitive) helps me stay focused and avoid that last minute anxiety of figuring out what to write! Wishing you a Magnificent March as well!
Megan Byrd says
I also follow Morgan on Instagram and love her inspirational posts. I’m sure her book is just as lovely.
Donna says
Yes, her book is everything Morgan is on IG and more. I just love her down to earth, hope-filled way. I know you’ll enjoy her book, Megan!
Jennifer Smith says
Oh, your Valentine event sounds like such fun!! Would probably have been more of something “braved” (these legs have not danced in ages) than something “loved” – but what fun!! Swing dancing is the best:)
Donna says
Jennifer! That is so funny, because the first time we attended this dinner 3 years ago, it WAS something braved for me to dance in public! But this time we truly had a wonderful time without being self-conscious!
Cindy Davis says
Sounds like you had a great Valentine’s day! I am sorry about your friend’s brother. I also thank you for the reminder that when we promise to pray for someone and we don’t do it, or do it as often as we said we would, it is sin and needs to be confessed. Thank you for your vulnerable honesty, it is refreshing.
Donna says
Cindy, thank you for reading my post! Yes, I did not want to share that little tidbit about myself neglecting to pray as I promised, but the Lord gave me no rest about it. It was good for my soul to be transparent about my failure and sin.
Lois Flowers says
Sounds like you had a great month, Donna. What a wonderful way to spend Valentine’s Day. I’ve never used an editorial calendar as a blogger, but now I’m thinking I might want to look into it. The first item on the list would be to write my own Four Somethings for February. (I’m behind, as per usual.) 🙂
Donna says
Lois my little month of February was lovely. Since I started doing the Share Four Somethings, it is always a blessing to look back and savor the Lord’s presence throughout my months! I’m pleased with attemtping to keep an editorial calendar. Mainly because it eliminates that rush of anxiety when I realize Monday or Wednesday looms before me! So far I can only manage a month at a time, though I would like to get two-three months scheduled!
Lisa Blair says
The Star Barn with its historical buildings being used as venues for raising money for charity sounds amazing, Donna. Thank you for the book recommendation. I used an editorial calendar my first year of blogging, but slacked off this year, I think I need to pick it back up; thanks for the encouragement.
Donna says
Lisa, we always enjoy attending events at the Star Barn because we know it supports such a good cause. The property there actually has a portion of the original railroad bed travelled by President Lincoln’s funeral train. They have a replica train you can also ride which narrates the day Lincoln’s train traversed that spot. The editorial calendar has helped me, but it does require work to set it up, which is usually what deters me! So far I can get one month at a time done, but I would like to shoot for two or three.
Lisa notes says
What a wonderful way to celebrate love on Valentine’s Day! Glad you and hubby had such a wonderful time (even with sore feet afterward). Peace Is a Practice looks like an important work. I’ll have to look into this one!
Donna says
Lisa we always enjoy atending events at the Star Barn, we enjoy our time even more knowing we are supporting such a good cause. I think you will enjoy Morgan’s work, I hope you give it look.
~ linda says
Thank you for sharing such blessings all throughout the month for us to see at the end. A gathering up sense! I am going to check out Heather’s link in your post too.
Donna says
Thank you Linda for kindly reading my post! I think you’ll enjoy Heather’s site, take a peek!
Linda Stoll says
‘My feet still remind me swing dancing in 4 inch heels may not be the best idea for my 62 year old feet, but my husband and I had the best time.’
This made me smile right out loud, friend. You go, girl!
Donna says
Thank you, Linda! Glad to bring a smile to your face. A visit with you always makes me smile!
PaulaShort says
Donna, I loved reading about your February footprints. Valentine’s day sounded fantastic. Thank you for sharing the reviews from Peace Is A Practice. What a great month. Blessings.
Visiting you today from Let’s Have Coffee #24
Donna says
Thank you, Paula for your kind words! I hope you check out Morgan’s book!
Anita Ojeda says
I’ve started using an editorial calendar in the past year, and it makes it so much easier! Thank you for sharing your four somethings. The barn and book look amazing. May the Holy Spirit comfort your friend.
Donna says
Isn’t it amazing how helpful an editorial calendar can be, Anita? I don’t know why I resisted it for so long! Thank you for your kind wishes for my friend.
Joanne Viola says
Sounds like February was such a productive month. Funny you mention keeping a calendar as I realized just this year the need for one. It really is helpful.
Donna says
Thank you, Joanne for reading my February Footprints! For such a short month, it did feel rather busy! Isn’t it amazing how keeping an editorial calendar really makes a difference?