You can tell how someone feels about your gift by the way they receive it. Some people linger over it, while others take a brief look and set it aside. Regardless of what they say, you already know how they feel. I wonder if we communicate how we feel about God’s gifts the same way? How do you receive God’s gifts? His gifts are manifold and lavished upon us each day. From the smallest gifts to the greatest, are they received with a quick look, a whispered “thank you” and jotted down in a gratitude journal? Or do we linger over them, truly taking them in, our actions communicating our gratitude to the Giver?
Welcome to Mindfulness Monday! Where we learn some easy ways to be more present “in the moment” at our jobs, in our homes, with our families and friends.
Learning to recognize God and what He has for us in each divine moment He offers. We acknowledge the belief that God is with us always.
We confess His presence is available to us, lifting our spirit and helping us with power and grace. Learning the art of “stillness” so we can hear His voice and view ourselves, others and our surroundings through His eyes.
the gift of god
In a recent blog post, I wrote about finding wonder in each day. Specifically God’s wonder in everything around us. I longed for more intentionality in my daily routine, and adding mindfulness helped me slow down and see the world around me. As I did so, I found I encountered God in the moments of my day, rather than relegating Him to specified times. I don’t hold as tight to my agenda, and notice when He steps into my day even in small ways. Instead of viewing just about everything as an “interruption”, I started to look for God in those moments and what He wanted to reveal to me or teach me.
It is easy for me to reflect and slow down while spending time in nature. I truly believe creation reveals the Creator, and we can encounter God there. Nature is God’s gift to us, but we receive His gifts in many ways throughout the course of a day. How do you receive God’s gifts? Sadly, I leave many “unopened” in my haste to move through my day. How many good and perfect gifts remain unseen? Or worse, taken for granted or spurned?
actions speak louder than words
Becoming more intentional in noticing God’s gifts was only part of the puzzle. How I received them spoke louder than my acknowledgments. I counsel others to begin and use a gratitude journal, and I use one myself. However, a gratitude journal like anything else, loses its effectiveness over time. It becomes a simple list or recitation that we quickly note things down and say “thank you”. But true gratitude lingers. It doesn’t take a quick look, mutter “thank you” and move on.
When you genuinely appreciate something, you take it in from all sides. It’s as if you can’t take your eyes off of it. You want to admire and enjoy it fully. How do you receive God’s gifts? Consider the manner in which you show gratitude for each gift you encounter throughout your day. Mindfulness helps us to give our full attention to each gift of wonder and in so doing, we express gratitude to God. Through mindfulness we pause and linger long enough to see the beauty God has woven into each gift He places before us.
receiving all of gods gifts
Mindfulness helps us to receive God’s gifts with gratitude. All of life is a gift; everything in every moment. This includes both pleasant and unpleasant experiences. James 1:17 tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from God. The English rendering is unfortunate in that it implies only the good and perfect things come from God. But who is to judge which is good and perfect?
A study of the Greek illuminates and fulfills our understanding. In this verse, the word for “good” is ἀγαθὴ, which in Strong’s Concordance means, “intrinsically good, whether seen to be so or not.” The implication here is that anything coming from God is good, whether we perceive it that way or not. The word for “gift” in the Greek is δώρημα, rendered “benefit”, implying what we actually receive. Additionally the word for “perfect” is τέλειον, which indicates “completeness“. The implication here is that the gift does not require any alterations to accomplish its purpose. So I ask again, how do you receive God’s gifts, and do you receive all of God’s gifts equally?
receiving god’s gifts mindfully
If we believe what God reveals to us in James 1:17, mindfulness helps us pause and experience everything God allows as a gift without expectation, interpretation, analysis or judgement. We receive knowing the inherent goodness, completeness and benefit God intends for us. Receiving without judgement demonstrates gratitude to God and trust in His character. God lavishes numerous and varied gifts upon us each day. Take time to consider in your own life what these look like. Each day we receive the sacred breath, time, love, provision, fellowship, encouragement, the list goes on. Ask God to open your eyes!
Consider these practical tips below for receiving God’s beneficial gifts each day. Also, take your gratitude journal to the next level by including the hard things from your day. Linger over what you’ve written long enough for God to open your eyes to the good, complete and beneficial nature of that hard to receive gift.
Mindfulness Tips For Receiving All of God’s Gifts
- Mindful Prayer. Use mindful prayer throughout your day. I give an easy prayer and tips for how to use it in this post. The prayer will center you on seeing God in each situation.
- Receive. What do you have to do to receive a gift? Yes, just take it as it’s offered to you. Instead of holding something offered to you at arm’s length, determine to pull it in, gaze upon it and accept it.
- Pause. Before rushing past something God brings to your attention, pause. Choose to really gaze at what is in front of you. Why does God feel you need this right now?
- Consider. In the pause, remind yourself that this is good, complete and beneficial. Stay present, look at what is before you, whether it be an item, a person or a place.
- Ask. Petition God to open your eyes to understand, receive and respond to what He places before you.
Specific Mindfulness Examples
These are some ways I employ mindfulness throughout my day, specifically focusing on these things flowing from God’s hands to me.
- In food preparation, I take time to “see” the food I am preparing for myself and family. The colors, designs, textures, tastes, smells. Grown with patience and care, then making its way to my kitchen, God offering bountiful provision. Thank you.
- In the time I have each day, celebrating the moments I have without rushing. Receiving “interruptions” as God’s tap on the shoulder, as He draws my attention in a needful direction. Relishing that time itself is a gift, that God numbers my days. Thank you.
- In the leaves I sweep from my porch and walkway, seeing the uniqueness in the design and purpose of the leaves. Instead of viewing them as a nuisance, viewing them as part of the amazing cycle of nature and the seasons, that even in death there is beauty. Thank you.
- In the pain of loss, realizing the extent of the love I was blessed to give and receive. Was it not better to know and be known than to never have that opportunity? Thank you.
- In the moment of unanticipated inconvenience, pausing to see the unexpected opportunity for learning, caring or changing. Thank you.
- In the moment of encountering a difficult person, looking instead at their face, taking in the features, remembering they are created in the image of God. Thank you.
how do you receive god’s gifts?
The examples are endless, because the moments of our lives are without number. In every moment we have the opportunity through mindfulness to receive what God offers. When we linger long enough for our hearts to settle, peace comes and we speak gratitude. It is in the lingering, the choice to trust and receive that communicates our gratitude to God.
I am staggered by the sheer extravagance of God’s giving us so many moments, so many gifts. When we focus our attention through mindfulness, on God and His gifts without judgement or expectation we receive them with gratitude and even joy. The gifts are there, but we must take the time to receive them. How we receive them, communicates our love and gratitude to God. How do you receive God’s gifts?
“Every moment of every day holds an extravagant gift from God. How we receive those gifts reveals our gratitude, love and trust to Him.” ~DMB
Feature Image Photo by Taisiia Shestopal on Unsplash
Wilma says
Wow, thank you for this great article on being present to receive God’s gifts. I haven’t mastered the mindfulness process yet, but I am grateful for your posts that provide the lessons and incentive.
Donna B says
Thank you Wilma, for stopping by Serenity in Suffering and taking the time to leave a comment! I’m pleased that you enjoyed the article. Keep checking back and taking your time with mindfulness, you’ll be glad you did!