Thank you for joining me for Weekend Worship. Sometimes I have no words, my heart is full. As my heart searches through pain, when I cry out to God, I know I am heard. He answers with joy, love and healing. I find comfort in the Psalms, because it seems many of the Psalms express what I am feeling; they call out the words within me. It was through reading the Psalms that I found my voice. In the beginning it was the voice of lament like so many of the Psalms, later it became the voice of praise.
It began a journey into poetry for me which became my own dialogue with God. I developed this process of reading a Psalm, that was God’s word to me, He began the conversation. Then as I meditated on His words in the Psalm, my own voice emerged and I “wrote back”. I have shared my poems from Psalms 1-4 previously; they can be found on my blog here. Today I am sharing one of those conversations with you; you can read God’s Word to me in Psalm 5 from your Bible, then below is what poured forth from my own heart to God.
I know I am heard
Oh LORD, do you hear me when I cry?
In the morning, do my words awaken you?
I look up-You alone are in Heaven
You alone can help.
The wicked cannot stand before You
Lies do not enter your ears.
Sinful and foolish ways close your hearing
But your great mercy invites me to come,
I am unworthy, yet heard.
My words are heard through ears of love.
Drown out the words of the enemy
Close my ears to the lies of hatred.
Block every evil way.
Lead me as you promised you would
Make my paths clear in righteousness
Protect me from the false way.
I rejoice with all those that trust You-
I love your Great Name, my joy and defense.
You bless all those whose trust is in You.
Feature Image Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels
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