Waving farewell to another month, I rejoice in a glance back at my January Journal joining Jennifer Goodwin as she hosts a monthly feature called, Share Four Somethings, where writers share the fourth Saturday of each month something in each of four categories from the previous month.
Many readers notice I choose a theme for each month, which often reflects lessons or themes from my personal life. This month’s theme is “journal”, which speaks to my reflections on not only January, but the start of a new year, learning to trust God’s goodness in both the pleasant and challenging.
As Jennifer’s first month, she changed the categories, but I wanted to keep the same ones this time: something loved, something gleaned, something braved, and something achieved.
The premise delights me; the new categories falling right in line with my one-word 2023 journey with Hope! Looking back over the previous month through these four categories helps me linger with God’s goodness and ignites my gratitude.
Something loved
A truly special Something Loved starts off my January Journal, Share Four Somethings. Meet Shalom! She is now a five-month-old English Cream Retriever, though she came to live with us at 12 weeks old.

An emotional support animal of sorts, Shalom is both an answer to prayer and a gift of love I never knew I needed.
After losing the best dog I ever had the privilege of loving and sharing as my companion, four years ago, my heart stayed locked away from any other dogs. Golda, who I wrote about HERE, passed away just one month shy of her fifteenth birthday, after loving our family through many years and hard times.
After much thought, God led my husband to gift me Shalom back in October. Though hesitant to love another dog after Golda, I always knew when the time came, her name would be “Shalom”.
For as an empath, animals bring peace and healing to me, and my desire is to train Shalom as a therapy dog to bring that same peace and healing to others who are hurting.
something gleaned
In keeping with my reflective journal mind set, a recent read has drawn me deeper into a place of abiding with Christ. “Abiding Dependence: Living Moment-by-Moment in the Love of God” by Ron Block has not only challenged my faith, but how I engage God.
Organized into 40 days, Block offers Scripture verses and contemplative devotions for each day which impact the way you view Christ and yourself. Relying on the richness of the gospels, he portrays Christ as the true treasure and very breath of our everyday lives.
As he moves you to a deeper understanding of who God is, he invites you to step more fully into your true identity in Christ, shedding your foolish illusion of independence.
The prevailing theme invites the reader to true grace, at the cost of abandoning the “try harder” mindset. True abiding dependence on the Father comes through our union with Christ.
Which, argues Block, only results from resting in and staying with the Father in an attitude of trust and reliance. Practicing this type of abiding freed me from the need to control people and circumstances, for my total peace comes from trust in God’s goodness and unfailing love.
Excellent devotional for truly living moment by moment in the love of God.
something braved
As always, God in His infinite goodness prepared me for a specific trial by placing Shalom in my life, and reinforcing His Love, Presence, and Peace through reading Abiding Dependence.

No one looks forward to uncertainty or an unexpected health crisis, yet many of us face them in this new year. Struggling with a form of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis for years, a recent swelling evident on my neck sent me for diagnostic imaging revealing extremely concerning results.
When words like, “biopsy”, surgery, and further testing are bantered about, one becomes anxious and downright fearful.
However, from the very start, God filled my heart with His Shalom, unshakable and sure.
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”
Isaiah 54:10
The same day I received the results of my ultrasound, God spoke these verses of Hope into my heart. Though my journey is just beginning, I took the first brave step in trusting God’s goodness for me in this new trial.
something achieved
Rounding out my January Journal: Share Four Somethings, is a category, dedicated to things achieved. For goal setting geeks, this category offers an opportunity to shine.
But even if goal setting makes you squeamish, right here is the place for celebrating even baby steps towards getting things done.

Both humbled and exhilarated by my Something Achieved, my greatest emotion flows outward as gratitude. A contributing author to Arabelle Publishing’s labor of love, “Shepherd on Duty”, my published devotional is a small part of a beautifully woven book of God’s promises.
Each devotional breathes life into your weary soul, as it wraps you in the unfailing love of Christ. Indeed, a precious promise book for the hard paths when you feel lost or discouraged.
One dollar of every book sold will go to Neverthirst to support their living water programs. Arabelle Publishing will also support prison ministries with this book.
Who but God would not only place a book of His promises in my hand for the hard path ahead in 2023, while allowing me to bless others through the same book?
january journal: share four somethings
Thank you for taking a leisurely walk back through my January Journal with me! I am grateful to Heather for creating such a creative way to review the moments of our days which often slip by so quickly.
Sharing Four Somethings is a way to savor one more time those things we loved, gleaned, braved, and achieved!
But you don’t have to be a writer or blogger to enjoy this practice. Why not take a few moments and think back over YOUR January Journal and share four somethings with me in the comments! Meet me back here at the end of February for more joyful somethings!

What a beautiful puppy! Congratulations on your publishing achievement and praying for your peace and comfort on this health journey. May God bring your surprising blessings along the way!
Thank you, Donna, for your kind words! I am especially grateful for your prayers!
Shalom is adorable! What a blessing for your and your family. I am so sorry about your health issues and pray the results are better than expected. Congratulations on having your devotional published! How exciting and how like God to bless you with the book in your time of need. He is so good to us and I am so incredibly thankful for His faithfulness.
Thank you, Cindy for your kind words! Shalom is indeed a sweet blessing for us! I appreciate your kind wishes for my health, as I trust God for His perfect will in this situation!
Aw, Shalom is adorable! She looks like she’ll be a wonderful therapy dog. I love your desire to train her for that. I pray that your swelling in your neck will not prove to be too serious, and for your peace in whatever is to come in the days ahead. Much grace to you, my friend.
Thank you, Lisa, Shalom is a very special little friend. I think she will be a wonderful therapy dog. Actually this past week when I received the news of my mother’s sudden passing, while I was weeping, she drew near and gave me a “hug”, staying close by. Must be in her genes….Thank you also for your kind words regarding my health issues. Fingers crossed the biopsy comes back clear of cancer.
Hi. I’m visiting from the Share 4 Link-up. I enjoyed your post. Shalom is so pretty and I love the name. Congrats on being a contributing author. I’ll pray for you as you head into the days ahead.
Thank you, Cathy for taking the time to read my post and for your kind words about Shalom! I am also so very grateful for your prayers!
A beautiful post Donna! I understand your hesitancy with another dog I’ve been the same since my faithful work dog Polly, from my farm days, died in 2008 it absolutely broke my heart.
We both have Hashimoto’s disease! Praying all will go well for you sweet friend.
And congratulations on your publication!! 🎉🎊
Bless you, Jennifer
Welcome to the family, Shalom! How precious….and how exciting to think that she can bring joy and peace not only to you but many others! My year is starting off with biopsies, tests and other staggering words and procedures. Each time I make another doctor or hospital visit, I promise to say a prayer for you and your medical journey.
Jennifer, I am so sorry you are also travelling a road of uncertainty with your health. What a beautiful thought, as YOU go through your journey you can also think of me, I will do the same my sweet friend! God’s comfort and blessings upon you!
Donna, sending you love and keeping you in my prayers . What a wonderful husband and Shalom to be with you. And that God brings you exactly the comfort you needed as you are going through this difficult time. Congratulations on your beautiful writing in “Shepherd on Duty.” Oh my friend sending you so much love.
Deborah you are a joy to my heart! I so appreciate your kind support, prayers and encouragement!
Shalom is just precious and I pray she will bring you delightful companionship! Congratulations on your devotional being published! I know your words will bless many. I am so sorry about the health challenges and will surely keep you in my prayers, sweet friend!
Joanne, Shalom has been a real joy to me! I am so blessed to be a part of the devotional full of God’s good promises for us! Thank you greatly for your prayers!
Shalom is adorable and I LOVE her name! There is just something about the unconditional love and acceptance by our furry friends. The book you mentioned sounds terrific! Grace vs. “try harder” — this is a precept I’m still attempting to grasp completely. I love the word, “abide” — abiding in Christ moment by moment is the best and safest place we can be. I am lifting you and your health concerns in prayer right now. Congrats on being a contributing author. I’d say you’ve had an eventful January!
Bev xx
Bev, thank you for your kind words. God placed Shalom on my heart, and I love her name too! You are so right about the unconditional love we receive from our pets, somehow there’s nothing quite like it when you go through suffering. Thank you my sweet friend for your kind prayers and encouragement!
Shalom is so beautiful, Donna! I’m glad she is bringing healing to your heart and admire your willingness to train her to be a therapy dog. I know you’ll make a great team! Thank you for the book recommendations, and congratulations on being a contributing author. Woohoo! Oh Donna, I’m so sad to hear of your health concerns. Sending you a virtual {HUG}, and bending my knee in prayer.
Thank you, Lisa! I think Shalom is beautiful too, she has a sweet personality and is such a gift. Thank you for your continued support, it’s such fun to be a part of a great devotional on the promises of God! I am so grateful for your prayers my dear friend!