Waving farewell to another month, I rejoice in a glance back at my May Musings joining Jennifer Goodwin as she hosts a monthly feature called, Share Four Somethings, where writers share the fourth Saturday of each month something in each of four categories from the previous month.
Many readers notice I choose a theme for each month, which often reflects lessons or themes from my personal life.
This month’s theme is “musings”, which speaks to my more inward stance this month of contemplation, as I slowed down to actually muse on aspects of my life rather than speeding past them.
Each month the four categories remain the same: Something I’m loving, reading, learning, and eating! Jennifer delights me by listing these categories in the present participle form of the verbs rather than the past tense of completion.
something i’m loving
Kicking off my May Musings: Share Four Somethings in the something I’m loving category, also delights me beyond measure. Watching my precious very soon to be four-year-old granddaughter, Grace shine her own unique personality.

Receiving a special invitation from Grace’s pre-school to join her for a morning muffin and sharing of something special to her was the highlight of my week recently.
Thrilled with Pops and Gigi coming to her school, she politely introduced us to her friends! She helped us to blueberry muffins and used her best manners at the table. She then showed us her classroom, colored a special picture for us and shared her favorite toys.
She was so excited for us to take photos to share with Mom but was upset her recent “boo boo” showed in the pictures. I get it, I don’t like my boo boos showing either Grace.
something i’m reading
This month I have the Joy of not only reading, but helping to promote a recent study guide on prayer written by my dear friend and sweet brother in the Lord, Horace Williams Jr..
Horace blogs at Pleasing to the Potter, and is the award winning author of Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life, which was released on May 23rd in a brand new study guide resource, and The Furnace of Affliction: How God Uses Our Pain and Suffering for His Purpose.
Horace’s new study guide takes the reader beyond learning about how to unleash the power of prayer to actually living it through thought provoking questions, journal prompts, and focused prayers.
Though only about halfway through, the impact of Horace’s easy writing style invites the reader in through personal testimony, encouraging scriptures, and prayer prompts which move you beyond stagnating prayer habits.
Unleash the Power of Prayer Study Guide is the perfect addition to daily devotions for both new and seasoned Christians alike!
something i’m learning
Something I’m learning is where the idea of May Musings originates. Because to “muse”, you must slow down. Through my spiritual mentor, God has been inviting me to a place of peace and stillness through a more unhurried way of navigating my days.
With “there is no hurry” as my new mantra, I remind myself to pause, breathe, and seek the Father’s Presence instead of rushing from one thing to another.

A relentless push to the finish line to obtain my coveted “peace”, characterized my days, resulting in impatience with others, overwhelm, and frustration. Not to mention, no real peace.
Releasing my expectation of completing every task before I could experience peace, I find grace for myself and others. God pours peace into each moment, even the ones where He leads along an alternate path.
something i’m eating
This month I share with ease something I’m eating: everything strawberries!! Our modest strawberry patch is yielding a plethora of the sweetest berries this year! My amazing husband picks fresh berries for us each morning and evening.
Of course, he would be happy with my signature gluten free pound cake with fresh strawberries and dairy free whipped cream, but why stop at boring?

I recently concocted a strawberry reduction sauce tinged with organic maple syrup to accompany the grilled salmon, strawberry endive and microgreens salad and strawberry muffins.
As the patch usually continues blessing us until mid-June, I have plenty of time for even more new recipes!
may musings: share four somethings
Thank you for taking a leisurely walk back through my May Musings with me! I am grateful to Jennifer for creating such a creative way to review the moments of our days which often slip by so quickly.
Sharing Four Somethings is a way to savor one more time those things we are loving, reading, learning, and eating!
But you don’t have to be a writer or blogger to enjoy this practice. Why not take a few moments and think back over YOUR May Musings and share four somethings with me in the comments! Meet me back here at the end of June for more joyful somethings!

Little Grace is so beautiful. I know you and Pops were excited to meet her friends at school and get some blueberry muffins. I’m glad you’re reading Horace’s latest book! I read his first one and really enjoyed it. He is inspiring. “There is no hurry” is a mantra I need to adopt as well.
Thank you, Lisa, for your kind words, we so enjoyed joining Grace in her little everyday world, and my heart was blessed to see her show compassion and kindness to others. Horace is a sweet brother, and God uses him mightily through his writing! Learning to embrace the “there is no hurry” mantra has been difficult for this over achiever, admittedly some days it’s uttered through clenched teeth!
What a sweet time with Grace, Donna. I didn’t get around to writing a Share Four Somethings in May but I enjoyed reading yours. Your strawberry centered baking sounds amazing! Hugs, friend.
Our time with Grace was the highlight of my day, I carried such Joy with me afterwards! I imagine May was quite hectic for you Lois, so I’m glad you could enjoy walking through my May Musings with me!
I loved Grandparent’s Days Donna, Grace did a great job of being the perfect hostess! ☺️
Alas, all my grandchildren are now in High school or beyond but I enjoyed that time immensely.
Blessings, Jennifer
Jennifer, there is such a Joy when we join our grandchildren in their activities! Grace loves having us come, and I was blessed to also see her kind interactions with the other children!
I love this! Grace is so cute and no, we don’t want our boo-boos, or imperfections showing. I recently picked strawberries from my mom’s garden (but didn’t get to enjoy the bounty!). I came home and planted my own, LOL! We will see how/if they grow. Your gluten free pound cake sounds amazing!
Aw, Cindy thank you! Grace was so upset about her boo-boo in the photo, it hit me how much I fuss over how I look in pictures!
Oh no! No reward for your labor of picking strawberries! It’s back breaking work, you deserve a quart or two for yourself! Maybe next year if yours take off. We started with only 4 plants and now have a good sized patch!
Donna, I love reading – your share four somethings -, and it is definitely a practice I will try soon. Love seeing you with your granddaughter, hearing about the book, and your strawberries and recipes. We have a modest strawberry patch too and are enjoying our berries.
Thank you, Deborah for your kind words, I enjoy going back over my month for the blessings which sometimes at first seem hidden! Enjoy your strawberries! Such a short season here.
Donna, Grace looks so happy to be sitting with you at her table. Actually, you both look equally delighted! Those are special times with our grandchildren which we all will hold tightly for years to come!
Joanne, we had such a great time together, Grace did not want us to leave!
How fun to go to your granddaughter’s school. She looks so happy to have you there.
Dealing with hurry and pressure has been a journey for me, too. I’ve often marveled that Jesus was so busy while on Earth, but was never ruffled or impatient. I so need His grace through busy days to rest in Him and to slow down and enjoy the moments and really *be* with people.
How lovely to have fresh strawberries! I used to say strawberry shortcake was the first sign of summer. Unfortunately, my husband developed an allergy to them, and my grandson did as well. I still enjoy them while out, though.
I did a monthly “reflections” post, though not in the same format as the four somethings.
Thank you, Barbara, for traveling through my May Musings with me! I was so excited to be invited to my granddaughter’s school! It was the best morning I spent in a long time. Dealing with hurry, and learning to slow down, is definitely a challenge, but one worth laboring through! I am finally seeing how much I miss by running roughshod over my days for the sake of my “agenda”.
Oh I am so sorry you cannot enjoy strawberries like you used to. I feel blessed to have our little patch.
I can’t wait to head over and read your reflections on May-they are always so encouraging!
Shalom Donna! Wow, what a great month, and it was such a joy to hear Grace invited to and your husband for muffins at pre-school. I can just imagine her delight.
Visiting today from Share Four Somethings #13
Shalom Paula!! We were thrilled to be with Grace at her pre-school, she loved showing us around!
Oh yes, Donna … 4 years old is a precious age. What a sweet photo … and Grace looks so happy to have her Grandma right there with her.
Linda, I think 4 years old is a fabulous age, we had such a good time with Grace, and she did not want us to leave!
What a lovely post! I’m so glad you’ve joined us this month for the Share 4 Somethings link party. I hope you’re enjoying this Memorial day weekend!
Thank you so much, Jennifer! I am grateful for your kind words and taking the time to read my post!
Grace looks so precious, I just want to hug her through the computer, Donna! I’m so glad you had a special time with Grace at her school. Your gardens look wonderful! (And your new windows too!) And the strawberries look delicious! And your recipes sound wonderful too. Yummy!
Aw, thank you, Lisa, Grace is a little love bug! We truly enjoy our gardens! And praise God for the good crop of strawberries this year!