Here is where you meet each of my One Word Friends from previous years, allowing you to revisit my One Word Journeys in more depth. The links below are grouped with all of the posts for a particular year’s word under the heading for that word.
Clicking on the link will then take you to a more detailed page with a listing of all the posts I wrote on my One Word for that year.
My current One Word will have a link on the home page to the posts currently posted each month. Once I close the year with a wrap up on that word it will then be archived here.
Thank you for journeying with me into the riches of not only my One Word, but God’s Word!

Welcome to One Word 2021-Joy! This is where you will find all of my posts describing my One Word 2021 journey with JOY. I am delighted sharing my journey with you and truly hope your encounter with joy through my posts increases your intimacy with the source of all joy, Christ.
READ MORE about 2021’s scandalous word now!

Resilience-One Word Friend For 2022
Welcome to One Word 2022-RESILIENCE! This is where you will find all of my posts describing my One Word 2022 journey with RESILIENCE. I am delighted sharing my journey with you and truly hope your encounter with resilience through my posts equips you to step into your full identity in Christ.
READ MORE about 2022’s bold word now!

Choosing a word companion each new year provides a singular focus within the events of that year. God revealed my 2023 word a few months ago, weaving a three-fold cord with my 2021 One Word, Joy, 2022 One Word Resilience and newcomer Hope as the 2023 One Word candidate. Pursuing the power of Hope throughout 2023 involves… READ MORE