I see many posts, articles and interviews addressing the issue of hatred in our country right now. The racial divide, political divide and well, you fill in the blank with any one of the many “divides”. Divides created by hatred seem easier than the way of love, compassion and respect. Like it or not, hatred in some form lives inside everyone. While I read many positive suggestions and counsel on overcoming hatred; only one thing overcomes hatred.
Hatred comes in many forms and finds expression in as many ways. The media accentuates differences in opinion, beliefs, lifestyles and economic class while subtly pedaling hatred. Even elementary school children catch the message that you “hate” anyone who disagrees with you. But other forms of hatred lurk within. Trauma, abuse and neglect teach us to hate ourselves, our bodies, even our lives.
the destructive power of hatred
As human beings we were not made to contain the powerful emotion of hatred. Hatred destroys a person from within which overflows to outward destruction of relationships. Hatred drives physical and emotional violence both towards self and others. Like a shroud of darkness hatred blinds us to the truth. (I John 2:11)
Only one thing overcomes hatred, and this film by the I Am Second crew does a spectacular job of showing the transformation. Hatred held each person interviewed in complete darkness and pain until the chains fell broken at their feet. After watching countless men mistreat his mother, David Mann hated men. Ashley Rawls never felt she was “enough” and through an eating disorder hated her body. Brian Sumner thought he understood love, but ended up in a marriage he hated. Taught as a child that white people hated blacks, Ken Hutcherson hated all races. Born with major leg deformities and left at a Siberian orphanage, Jessica Long hated everything life offered her.
five stories gripped by hatred
Overcoming hatred
Five people, five stories, amazing transformation. Each person felt justified in their hatred, yet each person described the misery of their souls. Experiencing the result of hatred’s darkness they knew they needed something more. That something was the love of God in Christ Jesus. The Bible instructs us to love our enemies (Luke 6:27), but it’s not until we really grasp the truth of Romans 5:8 that we find freedom in love.
Finally realizing that Christ died for you, while you stood in opposition to Him in the darkness of hatred, changes how you view others and yourself. Coming face to face with a love that chose you, forgave you and wants you forever near, transforms any heart. God’s love heals every wound of your soul, your broken heart, the pain of abuse, rejection, neglect and abandonment. This love removes fear and in its place offers acceptance in Christ with a new purpose for your life. Only one thing removes hatred; the love of God in Christ Jesus.
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Feature Image Photo by Andres Simon on Unsplash
Lisa notes says
I love all the “I Am Second” stories. Thanks for encouraging us each to do our part, put Jesus first, and choose love and light to bridge the divide!
Donna B says
Thank you, Lisa, for the kind words of encouragement, I am always blessed by your words!
Wemi Omotosho says
“…realizing that Christ died for you, while you stood in opposition to Him in the darkness of hatred, changes how you view others and yourself”. Yes! So much truth in this. Great post. The film sounds interesting also – thanks for sharing Donna.
Donna B says
Thank you, Wemi! Somehow getting a realistic view of ourselves before God can help us view others with more compassion. The film is only 10 minutes, hope you will take a quick view of it, very worthwhile!
Tea With Jennifer says
Sadly the other side of the coin of love is hate. And it takes Jesus work of redemption to restore love lost to hate.
Great post Donna!
Bless you,
Donna B says
Thank you, Jennifer, where would we be without the redemptive work of Jesus?
Jeanne Takenaka says
Donna, this is a beautiful post. The movie looks like one I would really like to watch. I appreciate you sharing. It’s amazing how powerful story can be in conveying sometimes difficult messages. And when the stories are about real people? Even more powerful.
Donna B says
Hi Jeanne! I hope you’ll take the time to watch the film, it’s only a little over 10 minutes. But YES, it’s powerful and impacted me so much I wanted to share it! Thank you for stopping by again, I am always blessed by your visits and comments!