Mocking me from the steno pad on my desk, my “To Do” list evidenced the insufficiency of my sixteen waking hours for accomplishing the pressing needs of the day. Unfortunately, this experience is not rare. Reviewing my schedule demands often tempts me towards shaving time off of my devotional encounters with Jesus. Until I learned the best way to overcome distractions: linger with Jesus.
Welcome to Mindfulness Monday! Where we learn some easy ways to be more present “in the moment” at our jobs, in our homes, with our families and friends.
Learning to recognize God and what He has for us in each divine moment He offers. We acknowledge the belief that God is with us always.
We confess His presence is available to us, lifting our spirit and helping us with power and grace. Learning the art of “stillness” so we can hear His voice and view ourselves, others and our surroundings through His eyes.
the relentless nature of distractions
The ruthlessness of life’s demands step into our lives like an insatiable tyrant imposing unreasonable deadlines.
Most of our schedules require polished juggling skills if we have any hope of accomplishing anything in our days. Busy moms who bear the responsibility for the “family schedule” often feel harrassed by unending scheduling demands.
The busyness of our schedules leave no margin; resulting in instant anxiety when encountering changes, delays or intrusions.
But busy schedules merely shoulder a part of the relentless distractions occupying our days. World events, local responsibilities, social media obligations and maintaining relationships jockey for their place of attention.
Everything feels important and necessary; we ruthlessly eliminate fluff which often includes shortcutting Quiet Time with God. Yet to overcome distractions, Jesus bids us linger in His Presence.
Eclipsed by distractions
Pausing in remembrance, considering the magnitude of our God takes my breath away.
The God who created the universe from nothing, and keeps it every moment of every day, who with a Word sets up governments and removes them, who took on flesh and dwelt among His creation, enduring temptation, hostility and suffering death on a cross; to mercifully ransom sinners, providing an eternal home with Him.
Yet shockingly, we neglect and ignore Him at times in deference to the distractions ruling our lives.
So often, spending even fifteen minutes with the eternal God of the universe falls eclipsed by pressing distractions and demands on our time.
With open access to the Throne of Grace, in a most perplexing manner we turn instead to tackle our To Do Lists. All painfully familiar to me and anyone who follows Jesus; we live as if we have no time for lingering with Jesus.
distracted by anxiety
Dear Martha of Bethany understood perfectly how the pressures of the day distract us from following Jesus. (Luke 10:38-42)
She knew Jesus as Messiah, when He came to her home, likely with disciples in tow, her only thoughts centered on serving Him well.
In the grip of anxiety she confronts Jesus about Mary’s lack of help with serving.
Gently Jesus reveals a flaw in the plan: her service, rooted in anxiety rather than love led to grumbling and resentment.
Martha, like us, troubled about her overwhelming To Do list lost sight of the importance of lingering with Jesus. Her mind, submerged in the demands of her time, she forfeited the one necessary thing: the life giving calm found only in the Presence of her beloved Messiah.
the one thing which overcomes a mind distracted
I love the way Jesus draws Martha’s focus away from herself and her anxiety to Him.
I see myself in this place, wringing my hands, hustling about and finally in sheer frustration sidling up to Jesus with my complaint; so filled with anxiety I barely make eye contact as I hurl my resentful expectation His way.
But then His voice says her name; Martha, Martha, (Luke 10:41)full of love and compassion for a beloved daughter’s distress. This small exchange no doubt paused her beating heart and invited her eyes to meet His.
I believe that moment changed everything for Martha, for she gazed upon the One Thing needed which spoke calm to her storm that day.
Kindly, Jesus acknowledges Martha’s overwhelm; indeed many things pressed upon her, good things, urgent things, but not needful things. (Luke 10:40) I find this true in my own life; longing for time with Jesus, yet torn by my overwhelming To Do List.
Jesus then draws her in further by reminding her only one thing is necessary; lingering with Him. In the midst of the pressing, critical and urgent needs, hearing and knowing Jesus remains the one truly necessary thing.
Satan employs distractions and urgencies, as a way of hindering your spending time with Jesus. He lures you into thinking you must attend to your To Do List before resting in the Lord. But the one thing you need more than accomplishing your To Do list is knowing, obeying and enjoying Jesus.
You are troubled about many things, but only one thing is needful
Luke 10:42
Choosing the one necessary thing results in joyfulness not drudgery. At first glance it seems Mary haphazardly shirked her responsibilities, but in actuality she chose wisely from a heart of love.
Jesus called her choice the “good part”; by choosing time with Jesus, Mary chose drinking from a well of living water overflowing with hope, peace and joy.
As the Apostle Paul expressed in Philippians 3:8, “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” Mary chose the gain of knowing her Messiah more intimately.
Exchanging the urgent for lingering with Christ offers me the living water of hope, peace and joy satisfying my every need and giving my soul rest.
Mary received the blessing of security in choosing a spot at Jesus’ feet. Not only was she the recipient of hope, peace and joy in hearing and knowing her Messiah, but the good He promised remained secure, removed by no one.
When I make the same choice, Jesus promises this good part to me and what He gives, no man takes from me. His love flows freely to me and nothing I face in my day can alter my position with Him. (Romans 8:35-39)
Don’t let life’s distractions eclipse Heaven’s Light
Gary E. Stevenson
overcome distractions: linger with jesus
Like me, have the demands of your To Do List held you hostage keeping you from spending time with Jesus? Has your anxiety and overwhelm afflicted you with restlessness, discontent and feelings of insecurity?
Instead of entering your days proving your worth through accomplishments or your ability to keep handle your To Do list on your own, pause a moment and hear Jesus call your name as He did Martha’s; look into His face, hear His invitation as He welcomes you; come enjoy the one necessary thing.
Begin your day remembering God’s unfailing love; put your hope into the hands of the One who holds all things together in the palm of His hand. The Presence of Jesus is your good portion, your joy, your safe place; the one thing your troubled, anxious soul needs today. Come, drink of the surpassing worth of your Messiah. You have time to linger with Jesus.
Barbara Harper says
That’s such an odd but true juxtaposition–the God of the universe wants to communicate with us, and we neglect time with Him for so many lesser things. Reminding myself of who He is and the privilege to interact with Him helps me keep that time a priority.
Donna says
Barb, I like the way you phrase that, a “juxtaposition”; how perfect that word is for God desiring communication with us, but we often pursue that connection anywhere but with Him! Sadly I have to remind myself too often of the privilege He offers me each day!
Joanne Viola says
Donna, this is a beautiful and needed post. It isn’t only our calendars which cause distractions. Even the draw to the news, to social media, etc. will pull us away from giving those first few minutes of our day to Him. I so need the time in the early morning to settle my soul, ease any anxiety, and face the day. You have shared wonderful and wise thoughts, and I appreciate them!
Donna says
Joanne, I wrote this post to myself! So many things want to pull me into my day before I’m ready. Spending that time with Jesus first thing truly does settle my heart and surrounds me with peace. Rejoicing that you found encouragement here today!
Jerralea says
I’ve been a journey to find margin for a couple years now. I had so over-committed myself that it took some time to let go of some of my commitments. Lately, I’m enjoying the margin I now have by giving up those commitments. Now my goal is to incorporate more silence so that I can hear the voice of God. It seems noise is everywhere!
Love your emphasis on the “one necessary thing.”
Donna says
You know, Jerralea, it’s taken me a few years to find margin in my life too. Why is it so easy for us to over-commit? But like you, I am enjoying the margin and looking forward to more seasons of “silence” that I truly might hear Him better.