Deeply sighing as I sink into my favorite chair, the events of the day sashay across my mind. Avoiding the review, I shift my thoughts to more practical things, like the unfinished grocery list. Yet the gnawing of the day’s unresolved issues press in. A deep breath or two releases the pent up pressure giving me clearer vision. The pressures remain, but my awareness of God in the midst gives me the key to unlock resilience within the fragility of life.
Still early in my One Word 2022 journey with my bold friend, resilience, my agility at recognizing our encounters remains immature. Though unnoticed, resilience visited me on several occasions this past month. Focusing on three key verses of preparation, my search for resilience led me a bit astray.
The exhortations held in Proverbs 24:10:
“If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.”
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”
and Joshua 1:9:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Reminded me of the end result of resilience. But, losing my way, I forgot the most important lesson God impressed my heart:
In 2022, God desires I step more fully into my spiritual identity, showing forth His glorious power through the resilience embedded there.
Which means finding resilience within the fragility of everyday life.
the fragility of life
Life is fragile. Nothing brings the truth of this statement home better than working for a hospice agency. Reading a report of all of the deaths from the previous day each morning shouts the impermanence of this life.
We all live one breath to the next, but the reality of our fragile existence escapes us most days. Facing imminent death may not welcome us today, but life’s fragility comes in many forms.
Trials, hardships, unexpected events, illness and challenges remind us daily we control nothing about our lives.
Yet a remarkable occurence happens within this certain fragility: we remain, we bounce back, we continue on our unique journey through life. In most cases, like steel, each time we pass through the fire, an extraordinary strength is revealed.
Resilience isn’t about how much you can handle before you break, it’s about how much you can handle after you break.
resilience in jars of clay
Where JOY pulled me deeper into intimacy with Christ, resilience flows from that place of intimacy and trust, filtering every adversity through God’s good plan.
Resilience shines as an unyielding strength forged in the fire of adversity.
Ingeniously, God ordains we hold this strength in jars of clay. Speaking of the Light of the glorious gospel as a treasure held in us, as fragile instruments, Paul writes:
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.
2 Corinthians 4:7-10
Is not resilience the story of the gospel told over and over again through the mundane of everyday triumphs and failures? The fragile nature of life presents us with afflictions, confusion, injustices, and sin. Yet we remain uncrushed, without despair, unforsaken and utterly invincible.
Resilience echoes the gospel through the darkest of nights, the loudest accusations and the cruelest blows struck by sin.
Instead of revealing weakness, with each crack and chip of the clay jar, the excellency of God’s power shines forth in glorious gospel proclamation.
unlock resilience within the fragility of life
Sitting in my chair at the end of a hard day fraught with pressures and the reality of my own sin, I wonder why God chose that particular path for me today. Closing my eyes and leaning in to listen, I hear it.
For along the rough and rocky path, I must cling to a strength not my own, entrusting every step to his sovereign plan. Though I stumble and fall, the glorious Light of the gospel demonstrated in his grace and mercy bids me embrace the resilience hidden there.
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Barb Hegreberg says
Rereading this today, I was struck with your humility. I believe that cultivating humility will be one of the key characteristics to cultivate on your journey to RESILIENCE!
Be blessed my friend!
Donna says
Barb, how kind of you to comment about humility. I know I need much work in this area! I had not considered humility a part of resilience, but now you have me pondering the place of humility in learning about resilience! Thank you!
PaulaShort says
Wow! Donna. This> “Resilience isn’t about how much you can handle before you break, it’s about how much you can handle after you break.” is profound and so true.
Donna says
Thank you, Paula! I love that thought too!
Barb Hegreberg says
This….”Resilience isn’t about how much you can handle before you break, it’s about how much you can handle after you break.”…is just what I needed today!
Donna says
Barb, I praise God that quote resonated with you! It’s rather profound, but I keep mulling it over!
Theresa Boedeker says
Yes: “Is not resilience the story of the gospel told over and over again through the mundane of everyday triumphs and failures?” And so we hope and look to God and learn we cannot do it all on our own strength. Which is also resilience. Enjoying your thoughts and insights on your word.
Donna says
Thank you Theresa for reading my new resilience journey. I loved the lesson this lovely word taught me this month! I have a feeling God has a few more surprises in store me along the way!
Joanne says
Resilience really is the partner to fragility isn’t it? What a poetic look on your one word for this month.
Donna says
Joanne, there is much about resilience that both surprises me and yet seems familiar! Thank you for your kind words!
Lisa Blair says
I appreciate you addressing our One Word journey, Donna, “Still early in with my bold friend, resilience, my agility at recognizing our encounters remains immature…though unnoticed, it visited me on several occasions.” This sums up how our one word appears and fades in-and-out of our week like a mist. Ever present, yet just out of reach. Comprehending at one level, yet not understanding in the depths of our being as we’re still on our journey with the Lord and the word He gave us.
Yes, may we continue to “cling to a strength not our own” and “step more fully into our spiritual identity” by His grace and in His power.
Donna says
Lisa, it is a bit early to recognize my One Word, but I am learning! I am truly amazed at the ways it is present in my life without me realizing it and the tremedous lessons it teaches! Such a rich journey ahead!
Lynn says
You see fragility every day. Working in a hospice, I can imagine, is a constant reminder that we really do not take anything with us but we do leave behind lots in the memories of others. “Resilience isn’t about how much you can handle before you break, it’s about how much you can handle after you break.” Love that! Yes, may you know His strength through all adversity.
Donna says
Lynn, I think we can all benefit from treasuring the moments of our days and considering just how fragile life is. I believe God would have us value the present and the people there, even though it can be difficult.
Lisa notes says
I love how you are framing your adventures with resilience, Donna. So poetic and yet so real. I admire you so much for working in hospice. My heart wouldn’t be able to take it all in without being crushed. I know you have great resilience to continue caring, day in and day out, when you see such hard things. May God continue to bless you, friend!
Donna says
Thank you Lisa for your kind words of encouragement! Resilience seemed a bit slippery for me at first, but I am learning it walks with me in places I never noticed!
Linda Stoll says
Donna, I love how you’ve paired up resiliency and fragility! We surely are jars of clay, cracked, marred, kinda off kilter. Thank You, God, for using us anyway.
Donna says
Thank you, Linda, it came in a moment as I thought over where I found resilience most in my days, and what do you know, there it was!
Jan says
Beautifully written! I love that you remind us that WE HAVE THIS TREASURE held in jars of clay…
Donna says
Jan, I love this truth, imagine God entrusting us with such a treasure!