Approaching the last six weeks of summer, a friend wondered recently where all the time went. Finally coming up for air after a whirlwind of day and overnight camps for young ones, schlepping older kids to summer sports, and a vacation at the beach, she longs for a little summer serenity.
Whether swamped with activity, or simply disoriented from a looser routine, the anticipated times of refreshing often slip by us unless we seek the serenity we crave with more intentionality.
Perhaps you feel much like my friend, or like me, you headed into the summer with a desire of inviting serenity into your summer days, but not much of a plan.
Join me as I have a bit of fun with an acrostic and alliteration to help us redeem the remainder of our summer!
Seeking Serenity
If you have no idea where you are going you will certainly arrive there! Many times, we think we know the need of our soul, and how we might achieve it, yet we fail in obtaining the serenity we desire.
“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.”
As I pondered some traits of serenity, the way became clearer to moving my summer more towards one of serenity rather than striving.
S- Stillness. Seeking less activity and more “being” in the presence of God.
E- Encouragement. Cultivating strength in the inner man.
R- Rest. Genuine, willing disconnection from labors for a specified time.
E- Established. Settled, calm, firmly grounded in God’s perfect peace.
N- Nourished. A calm contentment of a well-fed soul.
I- Introspective. Easy self-examination and careful reflection.
T- Timelessness. No slave to time’s demands; a willing desire for a slower cadence.
Y- Yielded. A relinquishing of outcomes, agendas, or desires.
Meditating on these traits through a fun acrostic brought to mind simple ways to cultivate not only summer serenity, but a lifestyle of serenity!
“Serenity Comes When You Trade Expectations for Acceptance”
Savoring Serenity
So, how do we arrive at a place of serenity? Less about “doing” and more about “being”, I found seven ways to draw closer to summer serenity without striving.
- Stop. You lose serenity when you insist on controlling or changing people, circumstances, and outcomes. Stop resisting! (1Thessalonians 5:16-18)
- Slow Down. Serenity is not a race. A slower pace allows you to remain open to the Holy Spirit’s leading and embrace your life now. (Matthew 11:28)
- Settle. Accept your circumstances and embrace contentment. Trust God’s hand with your current situation. (Philippians 4:11)
- Subtract. Let go of things weighing you down: overcommitments, self-imposed deadlines, performance mentality. (Ecclesiastes 3:6)
- Strengthen. Remaining grounded in the Word of God strengthens the inner man, increasing confidence in God’s sovereign hand. (2 Timothy 1:7)
- Seek. As you seek God’s Presence and wisdom, your soul finds rest in Him. (James 1:5)
- Savor. Sitting with God, celebrating through gratitude and praise the life before you now. (Psalm 103:1-2)
Spending time in each of these seven areas nurtures a posture of rest, surrender, and trust, which leads to calm assurance of God’s Presence, Peace and Provision.
Savoring Summer Serenity
If your summer feels anything but serene, consider taking a step back, a deep breath, and a quiet moment to center your heart, soul, and mind on a simpler way of life.
Instead of pursuing your perspective or pushing your way to peace, sink into serenity with Jesus.
Release expectations, even dreams into His hands, as you choose instead a calm reliance on God’s unfailing love and goodness as your guide and sustenance.
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
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Lisa Blair says
Summer serenity seems to require intentionality, Donna! This week I had the opportunity to visit my Aunt, and I basked in the slower pace and serenity of a 79-year-old.
Donna says
Yes, Lisa, we do need to be intentional if we are to enjoy a bit of summer serenity. I know you must have enjoyed your time with your Aunt, a slower pace is something we all can appreciate!
Lois Flowers says
I feel more rested just reading this, Donna. Trying savor time with my girls before they both head off to big things. Hugs, friend!
Donna says
Praise God, Lois! Indeed what beauty there is in savoring time with your girls! Enjoy!!
Deborah says
Donna, I love this. So important to savor Summer and every season because they go quickly. My seasons overlap which I love.
Donna says
Thank you, my sweet friend, savoring summer and each season I believe reminds us of the gift of each God gives us if we will but slow down to embrace them!
Lesley says
These are all great points, Donna! Life can be so busy. We have to be intentional about setting aside time to slow down and rest.
Donna says
Lesley, you hit the nail on the head, “intentionality”. We cannot expect to embrace serenity and a slower rhythm without being intentional in how we choose to spend (or not spend) our time.
Karen Friday says
Thank you, Donna. I’ve always enjoyed the slower rhythm of summer—if we are intentional. I love all your serenity points, especially nourishment. When I think about summer soul care, I imagine a nourished soul.
Donna says
Thank you, Karen for your kind words. I have been reminded again and again this summer to be more intentional about embracing the slower rhythms available through this unique season!
Barbara Harper says
Like Joanne, this phrase stood out to me: “choose instead a calm reliance on God’s unfailing love and goodness as your guide and sustenance.” Instead of feeling pressured and fragmented by all the things, we need to consciously choose that calm reliance on Him. He’ll either help us get done what we need to do or give us wisdom to know what to release from our schedule. And He’ll give us peace in it all.
Donna says
Barbara, I love the way you put that, “He’ll either help us get done what we need to do or give us wisdom to know what to release from our schedule.” I have been reminding myself of those very words when I become overwhelmed with my daily schedule!
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser says
As the cancers bear me down,
as within my gut I bleed,
like a grinning manic clown
I find serenity in speed,
for I know this cannot last,
but there’s still so much to do!
Better, then, to do it fast
‘fore tumours all my strength unglue,
so that on looking back I may
know that I gave life my all
and other folks are gonna say
‘Pity that he had to fall,
and pardon me for being rude,
but it wore me out to watch the dude.’
Donna says
Oh Andrew, as much as I enjoy your poetry, my heart aches for your cancer journey. Yet you have been a true inspiration for our blogging community!
Joanne Viola says
These words >> “… choose instead a calm reliance on God’s unfailing love and goodness as your guide and sustenance.” Letting those words settle on me, I reframed them >>> As I rely on God’s unfailing love and goodness to be my guide and sustenance, I will experience a calm and serenity each day. But it is the choice I must make every day, and often, throughout the day. Thank you, Donna, for sharing your wisdom!
Donna says
Joanne, I think when we shift our reliance from ourselves to God, it makes all the difference!
Michele Morin says
I’m trying to savor each day like the gift that it is!
Donna says
Yes, Michele, I like the visual that the word ‘savor” evokes!
Tea With Jennifer says
I’m definitely enjoying God’s peace & serenity that passes all understanding in this season as in all seasons Donna. 😊
Blessings, Jennifer
Donna says
Rejoicing with you, my sweet friend!