Since my Lenten journey slows my pace, shifting my focus to a more intentional walk with Jesus, savoring the sacred in the every day moves me to overwhelming gratitude. Walking with Jesus in my days rather than running ahead or lagging behind, or taking another road altogether, opens my eyes to His Presence. But more than simple awareness, experiencing the sacred connection transforms mundane moments into worship.
Welcome to Mindfulness Monday! Where we learn some easy ways to be more present “in the moment” at our jobs, in our homes, with our families and friends.
Learning to recognize God and what He has for us in each divine moment He offers. We acknowledge the belief that God is with us always.
We confess His presence is available to us, lifting our spirit and helping us with power and grace. Learning the art of “stillness” so we can hear His voice and view ourselves, others and our surroundings through His eyes.
Encountering the sacred
For most people, thoughts of the sacred conjures up visions of religious ceremonies, emotional church worship times, or awe inspiring cathedrals. But sacred moments simply encompass experiencing a profound encounter with God’s Presence.
Savoring the sacred in the every day exists outside of schedules; the sacred peeks into our days unexpected and unscheduled.
Certainly we experience the sacred in church, but most often those powerful moments when we feel most spiritually connected with God, occur in the midst of our every day lives. Different for everyone, savoring the sacred becomes an intensely personal encounter beyond any rigid definitions.
In fact, finding God in the moments of your day becomes the sacred ground upon which you encounter both Joy and Gratitude in meaningful ways. How often the vivid colors of the sunset or the intricacies of a flower move me to tears as I meet my Creator in those moments.
searching for the sacred
Ideally, no amount of searching or vigilance produces the sacred: it finds you. No rules, rituals, or incredible gifts of spiritual discernment needed. Rather, an inclination to create space in your every day, an openness of heart eager for receiving an unexpected visitor.
The only true secret of savoring the sacred in the every day, rests in the release of your rigid agenda in exchange for an embrace of the divine.
Not long ago, while aiding one of our hospice physicians in the removal of staples in the scalp of an elderly, demented man, I met God.
No fervent prayers preceeded the moment, no thoughts of a divine encounter filled my mind. I simply entered the home of this gentleman, helped make him comfortable, prepared the area and instruments, and held the container for the extracted staples.
apprehended by the sacred
Semi-verbal, clearly the extraction caused the man some discomfort made clear by the grimace on his face. While gently soothing and reassuring him, I noticed his nose began bleeding a slow trickle.
Unceremoniously, I took a piece of gauze and gently cleaned him up.
In that moment, standing with scab tinged extracted staples and a bloodied piece of gauze, soothing this sweet man, the sacred gripped my soul. Unable to speak, I fought back tears.
Alone, much later in the day, recalling the incident, I wept tears of gratitude for the privilege of wiping blood and mucus from this man’s nose, because in that moment I encountered Christ. No fanfare, no glory, just a plain every day moment transformed by an unexpected encounter with the divine.
savoring the sacred
Savoring the sacred in the every day looks different for everyone; but one thing remains common for all: unexpected Joy and Gratitude. Whether encountering a sacred pause in a star-studded February night, the touch of a familiar hand in yours, or the silky feel of a dog’s floppy ears through your fingers; you never forget that moment.
Each time I step on sacred ground within my day, I wonder how many times I passed by without stopping before?
The more I pursue stillness, the more I understand the tyranny of busyness. Full schedules bully our days, pushing us through our tasks so quickly, we miss the savor of the sacred. Think of how much you notice while on a walk compared with driving.
Imagine how many sacred moments you might encounter in your day if you walked through them with Jesus, instead of racing to the finish line of your own agenda?
make room for the sacred
Mindfulness encourages the savoring of the sacred in the every day. Choosing the slower pace of mindful living creates space for the sacred, positioning you for breath-taking moments with God.
Cultivating awareness of the present offers the best way of creating space for the sacred. Consider a few adjustments to your schedule and process of your days and begin savoring the sacred in your every day moments.
- Begin. Start your day by releasing your schedule to Christ. Yes, you have appointments, obligations and desires for your day. Avoid a tight-fisted hold on your agenda by releasing the outcome of your day to God. You may be surprised how well things actually go.
- Breathe. Instead of racing through your day from one event, appointment, or task to the next, pause. Create a brief moment for transitioning from one thing to the next; in the breath of a moment, the sacred visits.
- Balance. Create space in your days for the sacred by incorporating pleasure pauses. Even five or ten minutes viewing a slide show of your favorite photos on your computer, or a brief barefoot walk on your front lawn, breaks the tyranny of busyness.
embrace every day opportunities
While the sacred is no slave to schedule, incorporating intentionality into your every day tasks explodes the possibilities for encountering the divine.
- Housework
- Gardening
- A Walk in Nature
- Drive time
- Encounters with others-even strangers!
- Talking or playing with children
- Random acts of kindness
- Cooking
All of these activities and responsibilities offer opportunties for seeing, feeling, and savoring the sacred in the every day moments.
When you slow down, you see: when you see, you feel: when you feel, you experience.
savoring the sacred in the every day
Existing everywhere, sacred moments happen anytime, anywhere. While you have no power or control over them, you do have control over creating space and intention in your heart for receiving them.
Ultimately, truly savoring the sacred in the every day involves surrender. The surrender of tight fisted agendas, bloated schedules, and accomplishment driven days. The delicate beauty of the sacred comes on the wings of stillness, visible only to those who look for it.
Lois Flowers says
Donna, I think I experienced some of these moments this week as I listened to Reba McIntire sing old hymns on Spotify while doing regular old work in my kitchen. You’re so good about encouraging us to slow down and encounter Jesus right where we are. Happy April to you, my friend.
Donna says
How beautiful Lois, that God met you right in your kitchen! Isn’t that just amazing the way He enters our moments? I do keep reminding myself to slow down, because one day as I rushed around my kitchen lamenting my feeling of disconnect with God, He simply whispered “slow down”. I caught my breath and stood quietly at the kitchen sink, and communed with God amidst the dirty dishes! Of course he doesn’t arrive on command, every time, but slowing down and making ourselves available tunes us to His presence when he does!
Barb Hegreberg says
The beauty of finding blessings in the normal everyday things. God can use any time, place or situation to speak deeply to our souls. We just need to pay attention!
Donna says
Barb isn’t it such a blessing to know our God desires to meet us even in the every day things ?
Joanne Viola says
This >> “Certainly we experience the sacred in church, but most often those powerful moments when we feel most spiritually connected with God, occur in the midst of our every day lives.” Donna, I am often amazed at the way in which God meets me in the middle of my ordinary days. Beautiful & encouraging post!
Donna says
Isn’t it such a blessing, Joanne, when God lovingly steps into our days revealing Himself? I only wish I was more intentional about my schedule to notice!! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!!
Maryleigh says
Tyranny of busy, bullying schedules – oh, Donna – how true! A walk with God, a five minute sit on the porch with God, even doing the dishes with God – when I’m intentional with my one-on-one time with God, I have memories that go straight to my soul – and I remember those moments with such joy! Poor Martha was bullied under the tyranny of busy – I wonder if she ever intentionally sat down with her savior like Mary.
Donna says
Maryleigh you are so right, even short 5 minute sacred pauses or inviting Christ into a task like washing dishes can truly breathe life into our souls AND our days!! I often wonder if Martha was able to eventually embrace an attitude of rest too.
Shannon says
This really challenges me, Donna, because I am very busy. I hope to use your suggested approach of begin-breathe-balance to slow down and be mindful of the moments in my day.
Donna says
Shannon, I hear you! Working a full time job in hospice, and writing for my blog and other outlets, keeps me busier than my gentle soul enjoys. But I find even incorporating short intervals of time, 5-10 minutes here and there changes the trajectory of my day (and my mood). I’m not successful every day, but truly when I do seek a sacred pause, I am not disppointed about what might wait on my To Do List!