Hello My Friend, Welcome to Serenity Saturday! A place I created for you to recharge and nourish your mind, body and spirit! Breathe in the calmness, love and laughter, be inspired, learn something new or just enjoy sitting with a friend. I promise the videos, stories, tips and photos will bring a smile to your face, encouragement to your heart and remind you of God’s love for you now and always! Come on in, you won’t regret it!
Serenity saturday stories
Serenity Self-Care
Let’s have some fun on this Serenity Saturday with some journaling and art therapy! Make some time today to go for a long walk, enjoy the sights whether in the city, country on a favorite hiking trail. Then settle down at home and try a few of these journaling ideas! Don’t miss the tutorial below on how to draw a tiger!
- Summarize your day in 20 words or less
- Write one word across the journal page that best describes your day & decorate it!
- Draw a picture-try the tiger tutorial!
- Write your journal entry in colored pencils or markers, get jazzy!!
- Cut out your favorite pictures from magazines and paste them into your journal
- Include inspirational quotations from your favorite writers or find some online
- Write down three things you are thankful for.
Serenity saturday Art Therapy!
Inspiration we all need
God’s Beautiful creation up close!
Mathematics miracle
Serenity Smiles
Happy Serenity Saturday to you! Has it been “one of those weeks” for you? If so, you sure could use a laugh. Laughter may not make all of your troubles go away, but it will make you feel better right now! Tell me what you think about this week’s Serenity Smiles!
Can you hear me???
An old man went to the Doctor complaining that his wife could barely hear. The Doctor suggested a test to find out the extent of the problem. “Stand far behind her and ask her a question, and then slowly move up and see how far away you are when she first responds.” The old man excited to finally be working on a solution for the problem, runs home and sees his wife preparing supper. ” Honey” the man asks standing around 20 feet away “whats for supper?” After receiving no response he tried it again 15 feet away, and again no response. Then again at 10 feet away and again no response. Finally he was 5 feet away “honey whats for supper?” She replies “For the fourth time it’s lasagna!”
memory problems?
A few old couples used to get together to talk about life and to have a good time. One day one of the men, Harry, started talking about this fantastic restaurant he went to the other night with his wife. “Really?”, one of the men said, what’s it called? After thinking for a few seconds the Harry said, “what are those good smelling flowers called again?” “Do you mean a rose? the first man questioned. “Yes that’s it,” he exclaimed. Looking over at his wife he said, “Rose what’s that restaurant we went to the other night?”
Post of the Week
Learning to See Suffering As Worship
Learning to see suffering as worship, is much like a connect the dots picture. We can’t imagine suffering leads to anything “beautiful”. Remember those children’s coloring books that included “Connect the Dots” pictures? They were among my favorites; it was like hide and seek with a pencil. Seeking the final picture remained a mystery unless you correctly connected the dots. God’s plan in our lives similarly does not move in a straight line, yet reveals a beautiful picture we couldn’t see before.
warriors helping warriors
serenity saturday travels
encouragement for the battle
Serenity Songs
Worship our Almighty Victorious God with me this week! No weapon formed against us shall stand, there is no enemy and no power greater than our God. He that is within us is greater than he that is in the world. Stand and claim the victory with me, today!
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