Hello My Friend, Welcome to Serenity Saturday! A place I created for you to recharge and nourish your mind, body and spirit! Breathe in the calmness, love and laughter, be inspired, learn something new or just enjoy sitting with a friend. I promise the videos, stories, tips and photos will bring a smile to your face, encouragement to your heart and remind you of God’s love for you now and always! Come on in, you won’t regret it!
Serenity saturday stories
Serenity Self-Care
Happy Serenity Saturday! Part of celebrating today involves making time for ourselves and practicing good self-care. I have a few ideas for you this week that focus on the various “parts” of you! I’ll list few things in each of Four categories that you might not normally think of when considering self-care. Let me know which ones you loved best!
mental self-care ideas
- Take “should” out of your vocabulary. Do things because you “choose” to do them, not because you “should” do them.
- Challenge your negative thinking. Catch yourself making negative comments and turn them into positive ones.
- Sew, crochet or quilt, do some type of hand work.
- Write a poem.
emotional self-care ideas
- Try some adult coloring. BUT let your emotions guide your color choice. DON’T color the grass green and the sun yellow, “because”, express what you’re feeling.
- Do one thing today that makes you “happy”.
- Spend 15 minutes writing down everything that is bothering you. Burn or tear up the paper.
- Ask three good friends to tell you what they love about you. Record their answers in your journal.
sensory self-care ideas
- Listen to your favorite playlist.
- Enjoy your favorite essential oils in a diffuser, or light a scented candle.
- Do some gardening, or pot a plant for your balcony.
- Visit a virtual art gallery.
spiritual self-care ideas
- Do a Lovingkindness Meditation. Find instructions here.
- Spend time in prayer for your family.
- Journal your favorite Bible verse.
- Spend some quiet time outdoors and ask God to reveal Himself to you in nature.
Serenity Silly pets!!
serenity saturday inspiration
Serenity Smiles
Well, it wouldn’t be Serenity Saturday without a few smiles, and maybe a rare laugh! Here’s a couple funny stories to get you started, share with a friend! Laughing together is so much better than laughing alone! Please feel free to share any funny stories you now in the comments!
Medication For That
I work in the front office of a housing complex that supports people living with mental illness. On one particularly hectic day, a tenant came in to pay her rent. Frazzled, I said, “Ever have one of those days when you feel everyone is out to get you?” She smiled and replied, “I take medication for that.”
she looks like you
Sometimes honesty isn’t the best policy. A patient showed up at our medical office and asked, “You’re Mary, aren’t you?” I smiled. “No, sorry, I’m not.” “Are you sure? You look just like someone I know named Mary.” “Well, I hope she’s young and skinny.” “No,” he said, settling into his chair. “She looks like you.”
on the bright side
A musician friend is always upbeat. But when she developed ringing in one ear, I was concerned it might overwhelm even her. When I asked whether her condition was especially annoying to a musician, she shook her head.
“Not really,” she said cheerfully. “The ringing sound is in the key of B flat, so I use it to tune my cello half a tone lower.”
Post of the Week
When Saying Goodbye Opens Old Wounds
Silence. The finality of death is both silent and deafening at the same time. There is no silence that speaks louder than death. This is life’s hardest goodbye, made more painful when saying goodbye opens old wounds.
Canine comforter
serenity skies
woman of suffering and inspiration
Serenity Saturday travels
serenity in prayer
Serenity Songs
Come worship with me on this Serenity Saturday! Remember God’s faithfulness to you throughout this week and praise Him for His goodness. Spend time in His presence to be refreshed, strengthened and encouraged. Rejoice!
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Fall Leaves Image Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash
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