Headline stress disorder, the newest diagnosis for the anxiety occuring from reading today’s headlines surfaced recently. Perhaps, like me, you avoid watching or reading the daily headlines as a means of escaping heart palpitations or a sick feeling in your stomach. But God provided a better avenue for taking the anxiety out of reading the headlines.
Welcome to Mindfulness Monday! Where we learn some easy ways to be more present “in the moment” at our jobs, in our homes, with our families and friends.
Learning to recognize God and what He has for us in each divine moment He offers. We acknowledge the belief that God is with us always.
We confess His presence is available to us, lifting our spirit and helping us with power and grace. Learning the art of “stillness” so we can hear His voice and view ourselves, others and our surroundings through His eyes.
facing the reality of headline anxiety
With the onset of 24/7 televised and internet news channels, we have unprecedented access to news anytime, anywhere. Add the participation of social media outlets, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook, and we find no easy escape from a daily dose of anxiety.
Certainly the news is not for the faint of heart, but even the cynical soul encounters anxiety on a regular basis among the headline offerings of today’s news sources. My personal discipline of skimming or avoiding the news altogether seldom protects me from anxious thoughts, when everyone around me engages in fear-filled conversations.
In a world filled with turmoil, the Bible reminds us, in the world trouble abounds (John 16:33) but taking the anxiety out of reading the headlines happens when we also remember Jesus overcame the world and gives us His Peace.
how to remove anxiety when reading the headlines
While I tend towards hiding from daily news feeds, I know my avoidance tactic falls short of preventing news driven anxiety. As with any type of anxiety, hiding or avoiding the triggers creates more anxiety.
Yes, the news offers much in the way of tragedy, evil and sadness, but it also offers uplifting stories of triumph, human resilience and amazing accomplishments in every field. Not to mention God desires we walk wisely as a light in this world keenly aware of the “signs of the times”.
Hiding from or indiscriminately tossing out all of the news deprives us of blessings and the duties of our Christian walk. How can we be a voice opposing evil if we cower in fear from the headlines?
practice mindful prayer
Regularly setting aside time for engaging God in mindful prayer, Mindfulness encourages a slower, intentional time of reflection in the present. By increasing self awareness, mindfulness tunes our hearts to present emotions, thoughts and physical sensations. Contributing to a heightened sensitivity of the Spirit’s leading and God’s Presence.
From the reassurance of God’s Presence, He begins altering our perspective on news events, and we view them in a more helpful, prayerful way.
Find a quiet undisturbed space. Take some time to transition from your previous task by doing a Mindful Check In. Full instructions are in this post, but basically sit quietly with your eyes closed; engage in mindful breathing for around five minutes.
Bring Your Anxiety to the Lord in Psalm 27
Engage in mindful breathing for about five minutes, allowing thoughts to come and go without dwelling on them. Then gently turn your thoughts towards God, and enter His Presence telling Him you want to be with Him. From your Bible, pray through Psalm 27:4-5, and notice what happens in your heart.
- Release your anxiety to God. Share with Him what is most troubling to you right now.
- Share feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and fear.
- Repeat verse 5 to yourself as a reminder of your safety in God’s Presence.
- Ask God for instruction on how to pray for the situation or situations most troubling to you.
Headlines, in a way are what mislead you because bad news is a headline, and gradual improvement is not.
Bill Gates
view the headlines through the lens of scripture
After calmly and mindfully sitting with God, relinquishing your anxiety and troubling thoughts over the headlines, continue seeking His perspective and instruction. Listen for His instruction on how you must pray, or act, and avoid preoccupation with things over which you have no control.
- Avoid preoccupation with news drama. (Psalm 131:1-2)The psalmist reminds us not to occupy ourselves with things “marvelous and wonderful”. His reference to the intricacies of theological hair splitting applies to avoiding the incessant preoccupation with all of the details of the news, feeding our anxiety.
- Focus on God’s News. (Psalm 92:5-7) Spending more time in God’s Word than with news and social media feeds, fills our hearts and minds with the truth from God’s perspective and strengthens our reliance on God.
- Acknowledge God as your only true hope. (Psalm 73:24-25) Taking the anxiety out of reading the headlines happens when we pursue God’s comfort in His Word, claiming the promises He has for us and seeking His guidance in troubling times.
- Set your mind upon God not the news. (Isaiah 26:3-4) Rather than musing and wrestling with the news in your mind, set your mind on God, claiming His promised Presence Provision and Peace.
taking the anxiety out of reading the headlines
We live in troubled times, but we are not without hope. Jesus reminds us in Him we have Peace; we need not succumb to these troubled times nor allow fear to capture our hearts. (John 14:27)
Jesus forewarned us of troublous times in this world; so that we neither fear the present nor the future for He sits victorious over the tribulations of this world and His Peace keeps us. (John 16:33)
Clinging to the Rock of your salvation, trusting His sovereign care and provision in the midst of a world filled with turmoil, removes news induced anxiety. Freeing you instead to a place of rest and peace; where you view events through the lens of Scripture rather than fear.
Lisa notes says
What a timely topic, Donna! It’s important to me to stay up to date on current events, but I don’t want to get anxiety every time I log on. Thanks for helping us navigate the anxiety that can come with all the news that bombards us.
Lois Flowers says
Such wise counsel, Donna. I limit my news intake online to practically nothing, but mostly because it had become too much of a time waster for this former news junkie! Your last paragraph pretty much sums it up … I’m so glad we can trust the Rock of our salvation who has the whole world in his sovereign hands.
Donna says
Thank you, Dear Friend! Isn’t it amazing how addicted we can become to the news, even when it does cause anxiety? Perhaps in some bizarre way we do fear we will “miss” something!
Tai East says
This was so good and such a needed post, Donna! Because in all honesty, I have definitely been one who has been avoiding headlines and news, especially over this last year and a half.
Donna says
Thank you sweet friend, I still struggle with the news and all of the controversy out there, but I know God wants us to rest in Him!
Theresa Boedeker says
Viewing the news through God’s lens and remembering his truth is do helpful. I like your mindful exercise here. Looking at it through fear does not help us.
Donna says
theresa, thank you for reading my post! It is wise to view the news through God’s lens, but I admit hard to do sometimes!!
Paula says
Amen Donna. I’ve never been one for watching much news. Everywhere one turns seems to run into headline anxiety, anger etc. You are so correct that there is so much good news out there as well that can be missed. I do like to look for good news stories. More than not the news can be dark then leads to a feeling of darkness. But— the light of Christ shines through. Your recent article A Light That Defeats Darkness reflects this. The LIGHT side of the news. Thank you for this blessed message today. Blessings.
~Selah ~
Donna says
Paula, I struggle to watch the news so much, I try to find uplifting stories and educate myself, but it can be so hard. I now look for the Light side of the news (love that!) whenever possible so I can receive God’s blessings even in hard times!
Joanne Viola says
Donna, John 16:33 has been before me for over a week now. Every time I read it, I find peace because no matter how much turmoil occurs, Jesus will be with me (us) and see us through. This >> “We live in troubled times, but we are not without hope” .We have hope for these times and that hope is an anchor for our souls. Lovely and encouraging post!
Donna says
Joanne, thank you for your kind words! John 16:33 is such a good anchor in these times of turmoil, for indeed it brings comfort and hope in the darkness.
Amber says
Loved this, what great reminders to fix our eyes on truth! Thanks for sharing!
Donna says
Thank you Amber for your kind encouragement, in these days of turmoil, fixing our eyes on truth can be a challenge!
Anita Ojeda says
A long time ago I realized TV news is mostly teasers about what’s coming next and really not that full of news. Occasionally I listen to NPR or read some print news if the situation warrants it. But mostly, I make a habit of not focusing on news programs. I like your tips for taking the anxiety to God.
Donna says
I think you are right, Anita. Most of the regular news channels and sources are nothing but drama and “baited” taglines. I likewise stay away from those, and keep my exposure limited to a few reliable sources. I rejoice that you found my tips for taking our anxiety to God helpful.
Jerralea says
Love this, Donna. It goes along so well with a verse I’ve been feasting on this week from Psalm 50, verse 15 (TPT) “Honor me by trusting in me in your day of trouble. Cry aloud to me, and I will be there to rescue you.”
He wants to be trusted. He wants to rescue. Praise God!
Donna says
Such a good verse, Jerralea! God indeed desires we trust Him, and we find such peace when we do!!