Restless, thoughts darted through my mind intensifying already tense muscles with their persistent implications of unfinished work. My time in the garden usually speaks calm to my racing mind, but tonight the eerie quiet produced the opposite effect. Fidgeting in my seat, a slight movement caught my eye: a butterfly. The garden grace of the butterfly drew me in with its effortless, unhurried pace.

Welcome back to the garden for a time of Garden Grace, where we allow God to reveal Himself through His creation. Once a month we linger together gleaning all He has for us through the beauty of plants, trees, animals and insects. I can’t wait to share my most recent discovery with you!
A No Hurry Butterfly lesson
Despite a short life span, butterflies never hurry; even when pursued by a predator. Creation’s design of the butterfly is one of grace and beauty. Wings, translucent and thin as a layer of onion skin; formed for gliding rather than speed, lend a fairy-like quality to their presence in the garden.

Captured by the graceful movement of the butterfly upon each of the speckled pink and white Asian Lily blooms, I felt my jaw slacken and my hands unclench and rest in my lap. Mesmerized, I sat marvelling at the delicate attention each flower received; as if time held no dominion here.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1
I breathed deep; inhaling the intoxicating fragrance of the lilies. The restlessness and intrusive thoughts deceived me into a state of hurry; the illusion of a quick, cursory glimpse of the garden. Prodding me move on; yet the garden grace of the butterfly bid me luxuriate, enjoy the Creator amid His creation.
the butterfly brings joy to the garden
Savoring the no hurry lesson of the butterfly, continuing my absorbed observation, it struck me: the flight of the butterfly exuded joy. Its up and down, soft glide from side to side spoke of delight and positivity. As if it spoke joy from its very behavior to each flower it touched.

My regular readers join me monthly on my one word journey with my tiny word, “Joy” encountering joy lessons throughout my days. Native Americans view the butterfly as a symbol of joy; admittedly, it seemed my butterfly friend invited me into its garden joy dance! For joy was the only word fit for describing the butterfly’s movement around the garden.
The butterfly counts not months, but moments and has time enough
Rabindranath Tagore
The garden grace of the butterfly included an infectious joy overflowing and overspreading the garden like shimmering fairy dust. My once frenzied countenance now tingled with joy. Welcoming the liberty of unrestrained time, joy rippled through my countenance leaving in its wake a settled desire of quiet stillness.
lingering in the garden
No longer a slave to my meddlesome thoughts thanks to the life giving lesson of the butterfly, lingering in the garden became easy. Abandoning the need for hurry, slowing my pace cultivated pleasure in the Creator’s gift offerings in the garden. Apprehending the beauty of textures, fragrances and colors all bade me continue in His Presence.

For in the lingering I find Him. He neither chases after the hurried, nor reveals Himself to the distracted. But those, who like the butterfly cast off the restraints of time; He covers in grace and captivates with joy. Freeing us from the cruel taskmaster of time, we learn the art of knowing and being known.
the garden grace of the butterfly
True to the familiar symbolism of transformation the butterfly teaches; I left the garden a different person than when I arrived. For the garden grace of the butterfly plucked me from the kingdom of hurry and planted me in the kindgom of tranquility.
As my soul breathed refreshed, I joined in the joy dance of the butterfly. The playful nature of the butterfly wooed me into the embrace of the Lover of my soul. Where time spent enjoying Him in the garden, poured over my parched soul as streams in a desert.
All photos personal property of Serenity in Suffering™
Donna, butterflies captivate me. I love the way you share that they are not hurried creatures. They truly are amazing, not driven by an agenda or a deadline, they just do what they were designed to do. And how sweet of our Lord to remind us to be like them. I needed the reminder that God covers us in grace when we’re choosing to be still rather than frenetic.
Jeanne, butterflies captivate me too! I find them so fascinating, especially the fact that they busily do their given work, without all of the fuss and hurry! Oh to be more intentional without the frenzy!
I love to watch butterflies, the pollinators and beautifiers of my garden. It’s always my prayer to fill that role in the Body of Christ, gathering what’s good, distributing it to others, and bringing life and loveliness to the world.
Michele, what a lovely way to view the lesson of the butterfly! I now have another aspect of the butterfly’s example to work towards!
Donna, thank you for this reminder that we can meet God in creation. For sure, the next time I’m watering, weeding, walking, driving, I’ll be noticing His mighty handiwork.
Weekend blessings …
Thank you, Linda, I always enjoy your visits and your comments are so encouaraging! May you encounter the Creator in special ways within His creation! Weekend blessings to you my friend!
Beautiful Donna!
The art of the slow…
Bless you,
Thank you Jennifer! I’m still learning this lesson…
Beautiful to think that God gives us reminders, even when we are in a hurried state, to slow down. To be gentle. To feel joy. A simple butterfly can leave us different because of its simple grace filled moments. But then … grace is like that, Donna. His grace always changes us,
**movements** not moments 🙂
Joanne, so beautifully said, indeed a simple butterfly can speak grace that transforms our moments and days!
I love your Garden Grace posts! Somehow, I feel like I sat in the garden and de-stressed with you!
Thank you Jerralea for joining me in the garden today! Praise God for His goodness in giving us the rest we need!