An old quote, “When you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on”, attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, wrapped me in Resilience this month. The unpredictability of last month quickly unfolding into all out adversity this month.
Staring out the window, watching a torrential downpour batter a fledgling red maple tree, I marvelled as the tiny leaves clung in desperation to thin branches as high winds bent its slender frame nearly in half.
My eyes riveted to the helpless tree, in a moment, my heart felt the same desperation; as if like the tree, all my strength strained against the force of adversity. The warm tear trailing down my cheek testified to a kinship of Resilience.
When adversity roars, and overwhelm pushes you to the end of your faith; tie a knot and hold on.
Nearly five months into our journey, resilience lessons though few, speak deeply into my life. I created a special page on my blog where all my Resilience posts live, please take the time to read past posts for more insight into my madness.
hold on though your foot slips
Suffering, trials, and even every day challenges put us in touch with the reality of our own weaknesses, and at times our self-sufficiency. Like my almost three year old granddaughter, Grace, we want to do everything ourselves.
Bringing us up short, adversity in its many forms rebukes self-sufficiency, while revealing weaknesses may just prove our greatest strengths.
Resilience whispered deep that rainy afternoon, bidding me hold tight to my faith; the only life source capable of sustaining me in the face of any adversity. Feeling as though my spiritual feet were slipping beneath me, Resilience promised faith holds on.
But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold.
Psalm 73:2

resilience ties a knot in faith
Sometimes life comes at you in relentless waves of harsh reality. Knocking you down each time you stand up, your footing becomes unstable. Ultimately, you question any possibility of remaining steady, much less moving forward.
In the onslaught of adversity, resilience ties a knot in your faith by enabling you to cling to Christ, girding you with the promises of His Word.
Though rudimentary in growth, the tiny leaves of the red maple clung fast to the branches of the tree. Apart from the tree, they had no hope of withstanding the storm nor life beyond it. In the same way, I am rooted and built up in Christ; and clinging to Him, my feet will not slip.
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Colossians 2:6-7
Resilience breathed strength into the sinews of my spiritual legs, as it taught me the importance of holding fast to my faith even when it appears fragile. (Hebrews 10:23)
resilience takes hold of christ
Adversity, like unwanted noise, distracts your focus from what is most important. Whether unexpected bad news or another financial burden, you vehemently cling to that which you may lose; in a vain attempt at control.
Yet Resilience bids you, “take hold of Christ, for He has taken hold of you.” (Philippians 3:12) How do you take hold of Christ in suffering and adversity?
- Let Go. You cannot hold both God and the problem; surrender the situation completely to God. Relinquish control, to God. Release desired outcomes into God’s sovereign hands.
- Lean in. Press into Christ and all He has for you in the suffering or adversity. Pray for God’s strength to keep you in His way.

Resilience ties a knot in your faith by first empowering you to take hold of Christ.
resilience keeps hold of christ
When faced with suffering and adversity, taking hold of Christ stops a downward spiral of despair. Keeping a hold on Christ infuses hope into extended suffering, because you have a constant reminder of His faithfulness. (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)
Resilience keeps you holding on to Christ as you:
- Trust. Believing Christ’s promise of His Presence with you always keeps you secure in His love. Choose the truth of His Word over the lies of the evil one and noise of your suffering.
- Rest. Cease from striving; relax into the truth of Christ’s promises. Spend quiet time with Him, reminding yourself of His goodness in all His ways with you.
Resilience ties a knot in your faith by first empowering you to take hold of Christ, and once you take hold, resilience positions you for keeping a hold on Christ.
resilience never lets go of christ
As you keep holding onto Christ, you learn trusting and resting in Him increases your faith by infusing hope into your situation. As hope increases, during seasons of extended suffering and trial, you move closer to God. Determining to never let go of Christ. (Hebrews 6:19-20)
Resilience postures you for never letting go of Christ when you:
- Love. As you cling to Christ, you know Him more deeply, leading to loving Him more passionately. The beauty here becomes clinging = more love, more love=more clinging.
- Praise. Worship Christ in the dark, the hard, and the pain. Declare your love, trust, and faithfulness to Him.
Resilience ties a knot in your faith by first empowering you to take hold of Christ, and once you take hold, resilience positions you for keeping a hold on Christ. As you keep a hold on Christ, resilience binds you to Christ in an intimacy so precious, you never let go of Christ.

tie a knot and hold on through resilience
As the sun shines bright, filtering through the leaves of the tiny red maple; now days after the storm, they dance with delight in the soft breeze. No longer battered and pressed beyond measure, they boldly testify to the power of resilience.
Though not completely through my own recent storm, the lessons whispered deep by Resilience echo through my soul still.
Though my bold friend chose to whisper into my life this month, I marvel at the audacious advice. Taking hold of Christ, I bravely let go of the problem, my notion of control, and releasing fear, I surrendered desired outcomes, while leaning into Christ’s strength.
Which gently led me to a place of trusting God’s promises, love for me, and truth above all the noise of my storm; learning to rest in His good and faithful ways, as I kept a hold of Christ.
Ultimately, drawing me into deeper knowledge of, and love for my beautiful Savior, clinging ever tighter in worshipful praise. Tying a knot in my faith, Resilience tethered me to Christ in a three-fold cord, where His embrace held me in the peace of His Presence.
The deeper I got into your post, the more I felt it was tying into my word RELEASE. And then there it was:
“How do you take hold of Christ in suffering and adversity?
Let Go. You cannot hold both God and the problem; surrender the situation completely to God. Relinquish control, to God. Release desired outcomes into God’s sovereign hands.
Lean in. Press into Christ and all He has for you in the suffering or adversity. Pray for God’s strength to keep you in His way.”
As I journey with God and release, I early on had to add an addendum: Release AND Receive. It’s that letting go and leaning in to Christ. Thanks for this beautiful affirmation that we continue to travel the same path, Donna.
Lisa, I have to say I thought of you more than once when I was writing this post! I rejoice that you found some encouragement here today, and God is blessing you abundantly on your journey with release. I learn so much traveling with you dear friend!
I’m imagining the beautiful sunshine that you will have on the other side of your current struggles.
Barb, you are so sweet, I love when you stop by, you always brighten my day!
I’m sad to hear that you have been weathering a storm, Donna. I appreciate you sharing all that you are learning with resilience this year. I’m so glad we can ‘take hole, keep hold and never let go of Christ’ as we walk this journey with Him. May the Lord give you grace, strength and wisdom in each situation you are facing, Donna.
Thank you, Lisa for your kindness and compassion! Resilience is surely moving me closer to Christ and teaching me He truly is my anchor in every storm!
i love that God scoops us up and carries us through. we lean back and let Him do the heavy lifting. such mercy, such grace …
Me too, Linda, I only wish I didn’t fight it so much!
Donna, Blessed to read this word today. You are a beautiful woman of faith, I know and appreciate receiving encouragement in your emails. You’ve prayed with me a few months back about my health, my son and his family and my mother. I’m currently staying with my 79 year old mother…many health issues and a broken leg. My husband and recently retired so that is a blessing. Not knowing how or what tomorrow holds I rest in knowing who holds it all. I hunger after His will and strength as said resign my own , I can not or do I want to handle or do it my way. I try to love and praise … every second every breath Thankful for you and your encouragement! Love Kim
Kim, thank you for your kind words! I praise God you found this post encouraging today.I am so sorry to hear of your mom’s trouble, but praise God you are able to be with her. What a strength and encouragement that must be for her. Oh the true rest we experience as we lean into Jesus in these difficult circumstances. We can truly rest knowing His ways are always good and He is with us in every moment. Please know I will keep you and your mom in my prayers!! Sending cyber hugs and love to you today, dear friend!
I like how you made Resilience a noun. “Resilience tethered me to Christ….” It reminds me how Paul teaches to “keep our eyes on the prize” and not waiver from looking at Christ. I heard a podcaster yesterday explain that when we look to others who have our best interest, their humanness can still reveal fear in their eyes, but when we look at Christ we will always be strengthened. Yes, let’s get tethered to Christ to live on purpose with Him and through Him.
Lynn, I like your thoughts on that podcast-so true, even those totally for us can still be afraid for us. But when we turn our eyes upon Jesus, we always find strength and hope.
Donna, so much good stuff here! I have found for me, “every day challenges put us in touch with the reality of our own weaknesses,” more than the big challenges that come my way. I guess because when something big happens, I immediately reach out and hold onto Christ because I know I can’t make it without Him; but I am lulled into thinking I can handle the little day to day aggravations. Truth is, I can’t! I need Him every minute, 24/7.
Jerralea, good thoughts! I think I agree with you, when the big heavy things come along, I am more apt to grab hold of Jesus, but it is the every day challenges that trip me up as I get tangled in my own self-sufficiency!