New beginnings naturally trigger hope; like a new journal or freshly cleaned kitchen, one glance floods me with possibilites, creativity, expectancy! On the brink of a new year, my singular goal: triumphantly trusting the God of new beginnings wraps me in confident hope.
Though not every new year prompted genuine hope and trust in God for the coming days, slowing down and choosing a reflective view of the past year, strengthed my faith. My reflective practice also brings closure to my year.
Few things in life offer the contentment of completion. Similar to the pleasure of reading the final page of a good book; closing that cover and sitting with the entirety of the story in your hands, you breathe satisfaction.
While at the same time, eager anticipation of the next book adventure peeks into your thoughts. The delight of this “already but not yet” moment comes every year as December wanes and January steals in.
You hold the story of your past year in a final caress, while timidly grasping the new story before you in a yet untouched new year.
the god of new beginnings
Before triumphantly trusting the God of new beginnings with the new year ahead, refreshing my relationship with Him through mindfully embracing the lessons of the past year shifts my perspective.
Truly enabling a view of God’s unfailing love and faithfulness in every circumstance. Resulting in a deeper faith and calm assurance for the future, while strengthening my relationship with Christ.
trusting god with your new beginning
God’s past faithfulness facilitates future trusting God with new beginnings. I rest in His sovereignty by receiving the entirety of the past year with gratitude. Acknowledging God’s good hand in every circumstance regardless of the outcome.
Refreshing my soul with His precious promises awakens the joy of the Lord while overflowing my heart with peace.
Combining reflections of past faithfulness, acceptance with gratitude and encouragement from God’s Word galvanizes my trust in and intimacy with God. He delights in reminding me, He makes all things new!
He renews my spirit:
“I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.”
He gives me new songs of praise:
“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.”
He makes me a new creature in Christ:
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
He gives me new mercies every morning:
“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”
He makes new beginnings and new ways in the wilderness:
“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
He calls me to live in my new privileged position in Christ:
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
He renews my strength:
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Choosing a time of rest and reflection prevents my impatient heart from running head long into a new year unprepared.
prepared for new beginnings
While facing a new year fills your heart with excitement and possibilities, it also opens the door for distractions and overwhelm. A new journey presents opportunities, but also challenges.
Creating a focus and foundation in God’s Word arms you for the future, ensuring your purpose remains God’s purpose for you.
Stepping into the new year with God involves three areas of focus:
- Plan. No plan equals no progress. Moving into the new year without a determined purpose positions you for simply “existing”; bumped about by every circumstance coming your way.
- Whether you set specific goals, choose a word of the year, or spiritual discipline for development, seek God’s counsel for the new year.
- Journey into and through the next year; focus on learning, growing and maturing in your personal and spiritual life. Consider new habits, hobbies, and ways of connecting with God. Focus on moving forward, avoiding stagnation.
- Intentionally seek out places where God is busy in your community, job or relationships, then join Him!
- Prepare. Preparation reflects expectancy. Trust and know God has something for you in the new year. Consider God’s calling on your life and how He will use you in building His Kingdom.
- Where are you led to make a difference?
- Which scriptures are speaking to you right now? What might God’s message be for the new year within those scriptures?
- What steps can you take to move into your calling?
- What new committments are needed?
- Possess. Everything God has for you awaits you ahead; you must move forward and possess it. By faith you claim God’s promises for you, step into His calling for you and trust his power within you.
- Remember God’s Presence with you always. (Joshua 1:9)
- Remember God’s Power lives within you. (Romans 8:11)
- Remember God’s Provision for you. (Philippians 4:19)
- Remember nothing can separate you from God’s love. (Romans 8:31-39)
triumphantly trusting the god of new beginnings
Intentional reflection, gratitude filled acceptance, and gentle release of the past year coupled with renewal of relationship with God in His Word, postures you for triumphantly trusting the God of new beginnings.
Seizing the new year with a purpose-driven plan, expectancy fueled preparation and audacious ownership of your Christ purchased spiritual identity ignites your faith.
A heart strengthened by God’s unfailing love and faithfulness clinging to His promises and Presence confidently steps into the new year. Outfitted with the truth that no promise of God will ever fail and His Word accomplishes all His Will, embrace the new year with God.
Jeanne Takenaka says
Donna, your three steps for stepping into a new year (Plan, Prepare, Possess) resonated with me. I like taking time to look at my past year, ponder the lessons God taught me, and pray and think through my upcoming year.
Donna says
Jeanne, those three areas really help me focus going into a new year. I truly value taking time to review the past year before rushing ahead into the new one!
~ linda says
Donna, the way into unknowns seems hard yet with the Lord, it is not…well, should not be anyway. I have lost my way many a time and know that He was always near even when I did not know He was so close. I am trusting Him to take me through whatever the path may be. Thank you for the fine Scriptures to guide me/us on the journey.
Donna says
Linda, I couldn’t agree more; the way into unknowns always seems hard until we surrender our “need to know the outcome” to Him. But sometimes, we do walk what seems a lonely path as He allows us to strengthen our blind eyes of faith on dark paths. Yet when we reach the light we see He was there all along! My prayer is to listen more closely for His voice on the dark paths when I cannot see the light.
Lois Flowers says
Donna, I’m sure it will not surprise you to learn that this post reminds me of my word for 2022, “dawn.” What a wonderful collection of verses you’ve included to encourage us that God is always doing a new thing and that He specializes in new beginnings. Hugs, friend.
Donna says
Yes, after reading your one word post, I thought my focus on new beginnings was very similar. The Lord definitely burdened my heart to encourage others with Hope and thoughts of new beginnings this year!
Brita says
A timely reminder, thank you! I’m working to add more spiritual discipline to my life this year.
Donna says
Brita, thank you, I pray whereever you choose to strengthen your spiritual discipline, God will meet you there!
Lisa notes says
I’ll be trusting God for a new path in the wilderness this year! Thanks for pointing the way, Donna.
Donna says
Lisa, trusting God in the wilderness sure is difficult, but He has never let me down! Though I’ve lingered in the wilderness longer than I would’ve liked at times, He always leads me out!
Yvonne Chase says
Plan, Prepare, Possess. Three steps in the right direction daily and definitely at the start of a new year. I am Intentionally seeking out places where God is busy in my community as I seek out new relationships. As I prepare, I am thinking about the steps I can take to move into my calling. Joshua 1:9 is one of my favorite verses; be bold, strong, banish all fear and doubt for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. Amen!
Donna says
Yvonne, dear friend, I know you live with intention and courage, seizing all the Lord has for you as you move ahead in His ordained Kingdom work! Thank you for taking the time to read my post and encourage me with your kind words!
PaulaShort says
He sure is the God of new beginnings, sometimes more than once. How wonderful. Blessings.
Visiting today from Let’s Have Coffee #7&8
Donna says
So true, Paula, He makes new beginnings for us always!
Lynn says
I love how you broke down the 3 areas of focus (the three p’s). So well thought out and presented! And I feel more hopeful in my heart and mind after reading your post!
Donna says
Lynn, I am so pleased you found this post helpful and hopeful! I felt the Lord leading me to strengthen and help others to face this new year positively!
Linda Stoll says
The phrase, ‘new beginnings’ makes me smile, breathe deep, and grab onto hope. Maybe even more than ever.
Thank You, Jesus … You alone make all things new.
Donna says
You know, that’s exactly how I felt when pondering this post! Somehow those words felt right and good for this year!