Welcome to One Word 2021-Joy! This is where you will find all of my posts describing my One Word 2021 journey with JOY. I am delighted sharing my journey with you and truly hope your encounter with joy through my posts increases your intimacy with the source of all joy, Christ.
Believing Big with Joy in 2021
Call me crazy, but I’m believing BIG with JOY in 2021. My word for this year is “JOY”, unlike other years, this word imprinted itself upon my heart in the last weeks of 2020. Choosing my “word of the year” normally involves much indecision, wrestling and heated discussions with God before I take the plunge with a winner. This year…READ MORE
Amazed, the word “Joy” met me in some odd places this month. No one can convince me God doesn’t have a sense of humor. Seeking Him in prayer at the start of each day, I ask He open my eyes to all opportunities… READ MORE
The power of joyful moments opened my eyes to a form of mindfulness I previously missed. Joy is like the manna the Israelites gather each day; they gathered only enough for that day. Meditating on…READ MORE
Secrets to Finding Joy in the Midst of Trials
A journey involving a quest for joy is not without trial. For what is authentic joy but that which is refined by fire? Though beginning my One Word 2021 journey with JOY, filled with anticipation, I likewise maintained a cautious outlook. Experience teaches…READ MORE
C.S. Lewis’ quote above grabbed my attention on a particular day as I searched for a quote for a newsletter. That same morning I sat contemplating recent “joy discoveries”, disappointed at the paltry progress I made with my tiny word friend. In one pithy statement, Lewis arrested my…READ MORE
The undeniable joy at the thought of complete forgiveness of my unfathomable sin debt lingers, my tremulous desire urges me hold tight this joy; but how? My longing to…READ MORE
Joy’s Reflection of God’s Image
Pondering a stray comment by a friend referencing my “abiding” joy, I wondered if joy’s reflection of God’s image in my life portrayed God’s true…READ MORE
Trusting When Joy Seems Hidden
Aimless; the best descriptor for my Joy Journey this month, still feels inadequate. Lost, wandering, stumbling; all culminating in a weariness similar to…READ MORE
Celebrating Joy in the Ordinary Moments
My One Word 2021 journey with JOY, reaches the seven month mile marker in just 10 more days. Some days wooed me like a whirlwind romance while others left me stranded at the altar. But every day JOY speaks to those who…READ MORE
Viewing Joy Through Relationships
Choosing a one word focus for a full year at first seems excessive; but truly interfusing the full meaning into your life in a fully personal way requires time. My approach to my one word choice at first impersonal, slowly…READ MORE
The Power of Joy Filled Conversations
Despite sharing my One Word with family and a few close friends, posting on social media, and writing regularly here on the blog; branching out in conversation about Joy was rare. Without much effort on my part, I stumbled…READ MORE
With a mere two months remaining in 2021, my thoughts drift towards continuing the cultivation of JOY in my life. To that end, I pondered two statements posed by …READ MORE
Joy in the Lord Overflows in Gratitude
As you know from following along, JOY blessed me with many transforming lessons! This month JOY met Gratitude as I learned how my JOY in… READ MORE
Sitting here all wrapped up in JOY at the end of my One Word 2021 journey with my tiny word friend fills…READ MORE