As a child, the anticipation of a special occasion or holiday filled me with such excitement, I repeatedly turned my wristwatch ahead by various time increments. Fully aware of the “real” time, I also believed by turning my watch ahead I actually manipulated the time in my world. As children we often desire time move more quickly, but as an adult I long for time to slow down! Sitting here all wrapped up in JOY at the end of my One Word 2021 journey with my tiny word friend fills me with wonder at how quickly the time passed.
Reflecting on my journey brings amazement at both the fullness and simplicity of the lessons learned but also sorrow because so much remains unspoken by my one word companion.
Just as plumbing the depths of the mysteries of God requires more than a lifetime; fully embracing all the fullness of a One Word journey exceeds the contraints of time.
a personality wrapped up in joy
If you shared my One Word 2021 Journey with JOY these past twelve months perhaps you learned more about a life wrapped up in JOY. For my new friends, please head over to my One Word 2021 page and spend some time with my tiny friend getting acquainted.
In the past, my one word choices generally sprang from deficits in or desires for my life. Frankly, when the Lord repeatedly placed the word “JOY” before me as my one word for 2021, it created trepidation in my heart.
Receiving it first as a rebuke for my less than joyful attitude due to dwelling in long seasons of hardship: I then viewed it as a virtual impossibility for the same reason.

revealing joy
Nevertheless, departing on the journey with full enthusiasm as an opportunity of obedience, I believed big for JOY in 2021. Learning many things about myself, one lesson wrapped me up in JOY from the very beginning:
Joy was not something to choose or pursue; Joy, firmly rooted in my union with Christ, personified God’s Presence with and within me.
In His Presence dwells fullness of “JOY”, (Psalm 16:11)and that Presence is with me right here, right now and always. (Joshua 1:9)I have access to true “JOY” anytime I rest in His Presence.
What I perceived as a search for JOY revealed JOY as a privilege I held all along. Not only did I hold JOY, but JOY held me, kept me and transformed me.
relationships wrapped in joy
Somewhere around the mid-point of my journey with JOY, my approach to my one word choice at first impersonal, slowly transfigured into a more intimate pursuit of inclusion.
Holding my word, its multi-dimensional beauty glistened through each crevice of my life, dancing on the beams of light piercing my understanding. Viewing joy through relationships assisted me in more fully comprehending the presence of my tiny companion in areas of my life previously unnoticed.
Joy not only embodied my emotional and spiritual identity, it expanded outward transforming and defining my world.

As with so many things in God’s upside Kingdom, the more Joy I gave away, the more Joy I received. Viewing Joy through relationships with others reminded me the greatest Joy meets me leaving my hand.
Relationships wrapped in JOY remind me JOY simply cannot be held; it begs bestowal upon others.
intimacy with god wrapped in joy
We hear and know “God is Love”; but God is also JOY! All true joy flows from God Himself. Our God is a joyful God; He rejoiced over His creation, His plans for us are good and He rejoices over us with JOY!
The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
God desires His children experience Joy, and for that express purpose sent His Son as our redemption. Christ shared the Father’s wish in John 15:11, imparting His desire that God’s Joy be our Joy, the complete fulfillment of Joy for us. Joy never comes from us, it springs from the God of Joy.

2021 all wrapped up in joy
In the waning days and moments of 2021, my heart gratefully caresses the glorious truth revealed on my one word journey. Rather than highlighting an area of lack in my life, God chose the word JOY expressly that I might uncover the treasure hidden in my union with Him.
Like the delicate butterfly, grasping Joy tightly disfigures its exquisite beauty. The gift of divine Presence within, Joy offers me an ethereal experience no worldly acquisition provides. A privilege reserved for those intimately known by the Creator.
Joy’s interaction with my heart reminds me God’s Joy pursues me, shrouds me in His love and reflects His glory to others. A privilege not earned, apprehended nor possessed, but rather embodied.
one word invitation
Perhaps you choose a word of the year as an aid in spiritual, emotional or personal growth. If so, share yours in the comments!
If you desire more accountability or simple fellowship with others also on a one word journey, join the One Word 2022 group! Check out all of the details at my friend Lisa Burgess’ website HERE! Hope to see you there!

I know you will continue to carry the practice of JOY into 2022. What a blessing it has been to you & others.
Thank you, Barb, indeed, JOY will now be a familiar traveling companion. In fact I have JOY to thank for introducing me to my new friend, “RESILIENCE”!
Donna, this is beautiful. His joy is in us and around us if we only have eyes to see and act on faith. So grateful that the Holy Spirit has planted this beautiful fruit in our hearts.
I hope Christmas blessed you and that the New Year will bring continued opportunities to minister His grace to others. I look forward to doing life with you in the days ahead!
Linda thank you for your kind words! I so appreciate your encouragement and support! Wishing you a beautiful new year filled with moments of deeper intimacy with Him. I also am looking forward to doing life with you in 2022, my dear friend!
I love your revelation about joy not being something you should or even can pursue yourself, but something that is God-given to you through the love of Christ.
Astrid, thank you for taking the time to read my post on JOY! Truly this year with JOY has taught me much, and the truth that JOY is not something to “be found” or even “chosen”, but simply to receive as God’s gift through the love of Christ has given me true freedom in my relationship with Him!
Donna, I love how you came to see “joy” not as something you had to strive for but as a gift that comes with your relationship with Jesus. I can tell by how you describe it that this was such a freeing revelation! Can’t wait to find out what your new word is, and how it relates to “joy.” Happy day after Christmas to you, my friend!
Lois, I am so thankful for this year’s journey with JOY! God has graciously opened my eyes to the true gift of JOY, which will never leave me! It was freedom to stop striving, stop searching and stop performing for JOY! Looking forward to travelling with you dear friend and our words into 2022!
Donna, I have so been blessed by your journey with joy. “God’s Joy pursues me, shrouds me in His love and reflects His glory to others.” Amen! Looking forward to One Word 2022!
Joanne, so grateful for your kind support of me this past year. You bless me by your kind words, posts and encouraging comments here! Can’t wait to see what the Lord has for each of us in our One Word journeys in 2022!!
Oh, I love your childhood story. I have to tell you that I am so blessed to have followed your 2021 journey of JOY. I have been abundantly inspired and encouraged by you, my friend. Sending warm Merry Christmas wishes to you and your family. Blessings.
Visiting from Let’s Have Coffee #14&15
Paula, you bless me every time you visit! Rejoicing that the JOY of the Lord reached you through my sharing of my own journey with JOY! May God’s JOY embrace you this Christmas and everyday!! Hugs to you dear friend!
Your childhood story made me smile, Donna. If only we could set our watches back now! 😉
I love that you experienced that the joy you gave came right back to you. My Mum had a saying – mostly applied to things by her, ‘If you give, you get.’ It holds true of so many other aspects of life too.
Have a wonderful 2022. So glad we connected in 2021.
I still laugh at my foolish thinking that I could speed into the future to get to the special holidays simply by moving my watch ahead, Corinne! But I think my penchant for rushing to the next thing shows up in other ways now that I’m all “grown up”. I have to keep myself in check! One of my favorite lessons on JOY was the “getting what I gave”, only I have to admit I always received more than I gave!! Here’s to a full and blessed 2022! Looking forward to travelling together again dear friend!
Donna, it has been a delight to journey with you in joy this past year. And I look forward to journeying with you in 2022. Will you continue your journey with joy in 2022?
I appreciate this, “God chose the word JOY expressly that I might uncover the treasure hidden in my union with Him…to be intimately known by the Creator.” It is wonderful to be intimately known by Him! What joy He brings to your spirit, soul and body!
Lisa, thank you for journeying with me and JOY this year! I’m so glad we will be journeying together again in 2022! God has given me a new word for 2022, but interestingly, it is woven tightly with JOY. I am beyond grateful to the Lord for the true treasure I found in Him through JOY in 2021!
Oh, I wish we could manipulate time by just adjusting our watches. 🙂 I’d not thought of that. (I’m currently reading a novel called “How to Stop Time”, lol.)
As I’ve said elsewhere, your journey with joy has been such a pleasure to read about. Seeing joy as our privilege that we already hold is an amazing insight and a spiritual discipline I need to practice more. You definitely bring me joy, Donna! Thanks for your encouragement in all the ways you give it. I want to pursue joy this Christmas by being fully present with those who will be with us, and letting Christ fill our hearts with his love for those present as well as those not present this year. Have a Merry Christmas, friend!
I wish we could manipulate time so easily too, Lisa! But I’m afraid I would miss even more of the treasures of the present, speeding into the future! I am both grateful and encouraged by your kind words, Lisa. The gift of your friendship has blessed me abundantly as we have travelled together! The profound lessons JOY taught me will continue to be precious treasures as I step into 2022!
I rejoice at your perspective for Christmas this year and hold you in my prayers for the blessings the Lord has for you. May the fullness of God’s JOY, Peace and Love embrace you this Christmas and each and every day!