It was unexpected. Simply heading out in my yard with my dog, Shalom, like any other morning, and yet it felt as if time stood still. Though the promise of a heat wave loomed, dew sparkled in tiny iridescent rainbows on bright orange day lilies. Intoxicating, the breeze embraced my body, inviting me into a few stolen moments.
Toes tickled by dewy grass, I felt rooted in time as the distant lilt of a mourning dove song drifted into my awareness. Breathing in the still, freshness of a new day, my soul begged me linger, but my irrepressible mind began its litany of “obligations” awaiting my attention.
The maddening, incessant drone which haunts my days, a relentless taskmaster pushing me to work harder, do more, be more.
But these were stolen moments, moments belonging to job responsibilities, house responsibilities, and more “should do’s” than the petals on my black-eyed susans.
And yet, I felt no remorse.
These unplanned moments brought life to a shriveled soul, a thirsty soul longing for God.
A soul too haggard and burdened, too afraid to set life aside for a stolen moment of love and belonging, until now.
Remembering the feeling of restlessness and agitation which drove me outside struggling for calm, I defied the cruel harassment of my thoughts, and drank in the living water which seemed to rush into my pores from every area of the garden.
“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is”
As I listened to the sound of the breeze threading through the trees above me, the internal noise became more distant, and the present moment wrapped me in peace.
Without noticing, I sat down in my favorite spot, wrapped in the solitude of an intimate moment, closed my eyes and rested.
Stolen Moments
Stolen moments
wrap me in forbidden Love,
invite me into belonging.
But responsibility—
must do’s-should do’s
wag their fingers.
Shame me into
busy working and proving
my worth—
draining my soul.
Until parched
I run to You
my soul’s deep longing.
And there refreshed
in peace, my soul enlivened
by Your Love, finds Hope
in stolen moments.
Though truly only a few moments, it felt much richer, even transformative. Because not only did my mind, body and soul find rest, it was the kind of rest which altered the trajectory of my day.
No more driven by restlessness or a sense of urgency, I saw more of my surroundings, experienced more delight, and ultimately became keenly aware of a Love which pursued me.
A bold Love which refused to wait, but dared to call me away to belonging, restoration and wholeness. A Love which would not let me go.
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Lois Flowers says
This is beautiful, Donna. I’m so glad those few restful moments changed your whole day. (And now the old hymn “O Love that Will Not Let Me Go” is going through my mind. :-))
Donna says
Thank you, my sweet sister, I truly enjoyed writing this post and sharing God’s goodness with others!
Barbara Harper says
God is so gracious to give us those little stolen moments in our day to reflect on Him and His truth.
Donna says
Barbara, thank you for taking the time to read my post. Yes, God is gracious to invite us to spend those precious moments with Him, which so refresh our weary souls.
Joanne Viola says
I so appreciated the reminder to defy the path our thoughts would take us on if given the chance. Earlier this morning I read Psalm 59:16 – “But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength; Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, For You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress” (NASB). This post brought it all together for me – As we sing joyfully, seeking Him in the morning, we can defy the path our thoughts would go. Thank you, sweet friend, for sharing your words today!
Donna says
Joanne, isn’t it easier to just follow the train of our thoughts? And how well I know that never goes to a good place! Thank you for sharing Psalm 59:16, the more we spend time praising God and reflecting on His goodness, the less time we will have for entertaining discouraging thoughts.