Looking for a way to become a happier person? Learn to employ the power of gratitude. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. Join me as we discover 6 easy ways to enjoy the power of gratitude. Nothing drags down the quality of your life than discontentment and lack of gratitude…
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6 Easy Ways to Enjoy the Power of Gratitude
How Mindfulness Brings Peace to Suffering
Welcome to Mindfulness Monday! This week I’m going to share with you how mindfulness brings peace to suffering. We’ll learn some ways to find peace in the present moment in our homes, with our families and friends. By learning to be more present, right here, right now, you will live a fuller life. Choose to love more completely and free…
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Guilty Yet Drawn- Beckoned and Beloved
Thank you for joining me for Weekend Worship. Sometimes I have no words. My heart is full, I feel guilty, yet drawn to God. He beckons me as His beloved. I find comfort in the Psalms, because it seems many of the Psalms express what I am feeling; they call out the words within me. It was through reading the…
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Essential Oils are More Than Aromatherapy
Essential oils are definitely “a thing” right now. You can even find them in your local grocery store. Almost everybody has a diffuser and will expound the virtues of aromatherapy; but did you know essential oils offer us more than aromatherapy? My first introduction to essential oils was through aromatherapy designed to help me “relax”. I read that lavender essential…
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How to Care for Yourself in the Hard Places
Do you know how to care for yourself in the hard places? I used to think “self-care” was a dirty word, evil, self-focused; until I realized that I couldn’t adequately care for anyone else if I didn’t care for myself. I didn’t even know what self-care was until I suffered compassion fatigue. At the time, I had poured out myself…
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5 Things I Love About Mindfulness
Welcome to Mindfulness Monday! This week I’m going to share with you 5 things I love about mindfulness. We’ll learn some easy ways to be more present “in the moment” at our jobs, in our homes, with our families and friends. By learning to be more present, right here, right now, you will live a fuller life, love more completely…
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Lost: Longing to be Known
Thank you for joining me for Weekend Worship. Sometimes I have no words. My heart is full, as if I cannot contain my feelings; I am lost. I find comfort in the Psalms, because it seems many of the Psalms express what I am feeling; they call out the words within me. It was through reading the Psalms that I…
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Does God Love Me?
I have been told many times that “Jesus loves me.” But there are many times when I don’t feel so loved. Like the time I held my son’s first baby, a long awaited little girl, Indigo Evangeline; stillborn, dying 2 days before her promised due date. As I looked into an angelic little face, I knew her eyes would never…
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Mindfulness Monday
What is Mindfulness? While there has literally been an explosion in the mindfulness “movement“, I know there are still many people who do not know what “mindfulness” is, let alone how to incorporate mindfulness into a “practice”. Mindfulness has been around for a long time; based in the ancient meditation practices of the Buddhist monks. However, in the 1970’s, Jon…
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